Author Topic: Bomb kills dont show in some bombers  (Read 220 times)

Offline flapsup

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Bomb kills dont show in some bombers
« on: October 23, 2007, 01:38:32 PM »
Im just going to paste in the emails that I have had with HT about this.

On Oct 5 I wrote:

Last month on the 26th I recorded myself bombing a gv, the next day I was looking at my score and the kills did not show in-game or on the website, I waited hoping they would somehow show at the end of the month, they did not.
As of today I am showing 3 Bomber kills in-game in Early War but the website scoring information for Early War shows I have 0.
Please fix this scoring bug.
Please add Attack mode to the TBM, or take the rockets off, just doesnt make sense..
Thanks for you help in these matters.

The reply:

Dropping bombs on a target does not register a kill.  It only scores as

I wrote back on Oct 8:

I am attaching a screenshot showing 3 kills on my Bomber score. I am also including part of my "score chart" from the website.
Youll see one shows me having three kills and one does not.
I understand that there is no point reward, that isnt my issue, I am wondering why the kills do not show in my total as they should/have in recent Tours.

Their reply:

There was a bug that showed them as kills.  We fixed it.

Anything listed as a kill by a bomber never gets any score.

When you bomb something, you are supposed to get points ion your score for
it.  Showing them as kills was an error.

I replied back on Oct 18:

It seems some bombers can score kills, or something the player does can..
I have 4 kills in a tbm(bomber) none show in my total under Bomber though as you made clear was a bug that has been fixed.
My sqdmate has 3 kills in a ju88(bomber or attack mode possible here) and shows 1 kill under his Bomber total kills. Its my assumption that he scored two kills in attack mode and somehow managed to get one in Bomber mode.
Possibly the bug still exsists?
Im just trying to understand how you score the game for Bombers. Why can one type of Bomber plane score kills and another not?

Ive gotten no reply...

From the info Ive gathered it seems you can bomb someone in an 88 in Bomber mode and get credit in your Bomber total kills section for it, while bombing them with a TBM doesnt add any kills to your bomber score. Anyone know whats up with this?
« Last Edit: October 23, 2007, 01:40:47 PM by flapsup »