Here i go again with my crazy bugs.
Started my new map.I made so far 2 sets (2x4 subtexs) of textures for it(forest (jungle actually;)) and farm), and according object tiles.But the problem comes with forest object tiles.
Because the textures are so similar and there is no need for changes in object placement between subtiles (ter0005,ter0105 etc.) i just used the base ter0005 tile with objects on it and copied it 3 times and renamed them to ter0105, ter0205 and ter0305.I do that all the time.
Now the fun part:
TE crashes on start when i put the ter0205 and ter0305 in the texsrc folder, but it won't crash with just ter0005 and ter0105, although all the subtiles are the same.
Texture tiles are not causing it because they work just fine without object tiles (meaning on default htc made object tiles).
My farm object tile set works just fine with all the subtiles.
I tried building the subtiles in oe on their own (actually just saved the base tile under different names and the build them) but still no good.
Please help, i have never had this happen to me before.