Kamiliyun, probably an old habit from long ago. I've spent more time on a manual typewriter than a computer. Long before bold, colored font, and cute smilies. Probably goes back to that, but it's pretty much a habit as that's how we used to Emphasize a particular point
The hard thing for some to understand is how beneficial it is to gather your enemies into a single area of operation.
Imagine fighting a war where the combatants were scattered across the globe, in small mobile cells. Now, they are converging on Iraq, not on our soil by the way, and sticking their heads up like whack-a-mole.
Now, one could argue that there wasn't a reason to go to Iraq, but what better place than the middle of a desert to draw your enemies into. Would you prefer we had a running gun fight through the downtowns of every major city looking for a couple of rouge cells per city bent on blowing things up?
At some point you need to think outside what the mainstream media is feeding you and consider the alternatives.
Not doing something about this is not an alternative. Better now than later, better there than here.
Got a better idea?