Author Topic: On ethics – The HO, The RAM, The SPY – an informal poll.  (Read 3224 times)

Offline BaldEagl

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On ethics – The HO, The RAM, The SPY – an informal poll.
« Reply #45 on: October 29, 2007, 03:37:10 PM »
Originally posted by MajIssue
Also: Is being a jerk and flaming a new guy who is only trying to find out what is and isn't acceptable in the MAs ethical?
Sorry you're a looser

I'm sorry but 16 months in-game doesn't exactly make him a new guy, nor does his apparent intimate knowledge of the most common whines expressed both on 200 and in the BBs.
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Offline Scca

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On ethics – The HO, The RAM, The SPY – an informal poll.
« Reply #46 on: October 29, 2007, 03:47:25 PM »
Originally posted by SEseph
The most unethical of all though IMO is the graphics turn down with GV's. I have many videos of people blatently using this as a tactical advantage, that can't be counter-acted. Here's why: I'm in a forest 3.5k from base. Enemy GV is on base. Because I am in the trees, even if I had graphics turned down, I can't see dude because I'm so close to the trees, they won't vanish, but dude can see me. The very thing I'm trying to use as cover has become my worst enemy. Now, this game requires two things with GV's a faster finger and a good ranger.. it no longer requires hiding, placement and the like, or to a minimal extent. I have a very nice and fast computer, I want to see the graphics, and I want to use trees like they did in WWII, as cover, not as a target on me saying kill me. With this, it's actually more benificial to have a slow crappy computer. This happens to be the only game I've ever played that gives advantage to crappy computers and punishes good ones.

I agree..  I wish you could use cover like a real tank would.  The part about getting kilt because you were close to the tree and couldn't see the bad guy, but he was far enough away to see and kill you does stink..
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Offline Bronk

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On ethics – The HO, The RAM, The SPY – an informal poll.
« Reply #47 on: October 29, 2007, 04:06:57 PM »
Originally posted by Lusche
And who not add a collision poll? :t

- collisions should be disabled
- both should go down, they do in real life
- collision model is fine

I think the poll result could really make me laugh :D

Originally posted by 5PointOh
I'd like to pick-both should go down, they do in real life.  Not that it will happen, but thats my choice.

Start laughing Lusche because I am.:rofl
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On ethics – The HO, The RAM, The SPY – an informal poll.
« Reply #48 on: October 29, 2007, 04:36:07 PM »
Good poll. I voted in all.

Spying happened in the real world, but when they were caught they were killed. Maybe a 7 day ban would slow that down a bit. It's a win/win situation. It would reduce spying and HTC would get a bunch of new accounts for they guys that just gotta spy.
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Offline Mr No Name

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On ethics – The HO, The RAM, The SPY – an informal poll.
« Reply #49 on: October 30, 2007, 02:48:15 PM »
If you do not like spying, remove the incentives to switch sides and remove the arena caps so that joining players can fill in the side-balance gaps
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Offline Messiah

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On ethics – The HO, The RAM, The SPY – an informal poll.
« Reply #50 on: October 30, 2007, 06:35:14 PM »
I found it interesting to say the least on the number of Yes for vulching yet the whining about vulching is so common.
Messiah(The O.G.)
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Re: Re: On ethics – The HO, The RAM, The SPY – an informal poll.
« Reply #51 on: October 30, 2007, 06:39:03 PM »
Originally posted by A8TOOL
Shooting chutes used to be considered one of the worst offenses someone could make against you in the game. It was a show of total lack of respect and hatred toward a player. There was no worse personal statement that could be made in Air Warrior to early Aces high.

I do it all the time.  I fly this game to have fun not to earn E-Respect and if that means shooting a chute knowing the other guy is going to boil over a cartoon parachute because of it all the better LOL.
Messiah(The O.G.)
The Blue Knights

Offline SEseph

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Re: Re: On ethics – The HO, The RAM, The SPY – an informal poll.
« Reply #52 on: October 30, 2007, 07:13:39 PM »
Originally posted by A8TOOL

Shooting chutes used to be considered one of the worst offenses someone could make against you in the game. It was a show of total lack of respect and hatred toward a player. There was no worse personal statement that could be made in Air Warrior to early Aces high.

Personally, I'd rather leave a chute. While the guy can see things around him, he really can't hurt you, and that's one less pilot in the air, even though he is active. Now if he's spotting in a good way for his side, I'll shoot him down in a heart beat.
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Offline toonces3

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Re: Re: Re: On ethics – The HO, The RAM, The SPY – an informal poll.
« Reply #53 on: October 30, 2007, 07:21:20 PM »
Originally posted by Messiah
I do it all the time.  I fly this game to have fun not to earn E-Respect and if that means shooting a chute knowing the other guy is going to boil over a cartoon parachute because of it all the better LOL.

That's a really ****ty attitude there bud.
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Offline Dead Man Flying

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Re: Re: Re: Re: On ethics – The HO, The RAM, The SPY – an informal poll.
« Reply #54 on: October 30, 2007, 07:33:28 PM »
Originally posted by toonces3
That's a really ****ty attitude there bud.

What's worse... shooting pixels in an online computer game, knowing that it will upset the person associated with those pixels?  Or getting upset about having your pixels "shot down" by someone?

Let's face it, Messiah may be a jerk, but the other guy is a dork.

-- Todd/Leviathn

Offline FrodeMk3

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On ethics – The HO, The RAM, The SPY – an informal poll.
« Reply #55 on: October 30, 2007, 08:00:28 PM »
Originally posted by Blooz
You left out the polls for having an altitude advantage, having a faster plane, having a tougher plane, having a tighter turning plane, using the sun to your advantage, having a numerical advantage and having more powerful guns.

All of these thing are, as we well know, unethical.

Because, Blooz, if it's not apparent to anyone who read through and did all of the polls, that said polls mainly concern what most would call "toolshedding, win-teh-war" style of play. Only one or two questions' really pertain to the "massive furballing Air-Quake" type of air-to-air play that some prefer.

I'm suprised that Storch or Fugitive or someone else hasn't pointed this out before.

Offline SEseph

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Originally posted by Dead Man Flying
What's worse... shooting pixels in an online computer game, knowing that it will upset the person associated with those pixels?  Or getting upset about having your pixels "shot down" by someone?

Let's face it, Messiah may be a jerk, but the other guy is a dork.

-- Todd/Leviathn

Anyone notice the word "game" flung around alot? The next time someone says: Don't get mad, it's a game, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE.. go to a soccor match in Ireland and sit next to a bunch of really big guys who are very drunk and comeptetive. Then, when the other team scores.. tell them: don't get upset, you're a dork, it's just a game. After this, please write us from ICU and let us know the results. Alos, if it's a game.. why the piss are professional athletes paid so much? it's just a game after all.. but they use real bodies to form image with pixels on your TV screen.. oh well.. OH OH WAIT HERE"s another: Those who are married or very serious with a person, go to a casino and dump 100,000, lose it, then explain: Honey, it's just a game!

Just because people get infinitye lives, or only pay 15 dollars doesn't mean they are dorks for getting uset. t'sall in perspective. 'm noyt going to riot if my team loses a big game.. but others will, and go to jail and think nothing of it. Most of the time, when one can't emphasize with others, it means either: they think they are better, or they have some sort of mental disorder (Anti-social Personality Disorder is the most common with this trait). You can tell them to calm down, or hell, you could even realize that you get kicks outa making people mad (meaning you have a sadistic side) and then telling them it's only a game. Well, you know well enough in this 'Game' that you get joy from making others mad.. well, some get joy from being good and not having people say every timke they are unhappy: It's just a game.

One last example. Someone from Boston I hope reads this. You who think it's just a game.. yall shoulda been in Boston and when the parade started.. scream: IT'S JUST A GAME WHY THE HELL DO YOU CARE.. Again, when you wake up in the ICU.. please write us.

P.S. People are brave online when they know people won't bash thier face in. (Replies like: you're a pansey, or you're like that too are expected because no one will admit they won't say it.. they might look bad to thier friends)
BOWL Axis CO 2014 BoB13 JG52 XO DSG2 Axis S. Cmdr 2012 WSDG Allied CO 2012 Multiple GL/XO Side/Section CO/XO since early '00s
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Offline Dead Man Flying

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On ethics – The HO, The RAM, The SPY – an informal poll.
« Reply #57 on: October 30, 2007, 10:21:05 PM »

It IS "just a game."  Tell me, how much money do YOU make on Aces High?  It's not soccer.  It's not football.  It's not even Little League.  It's a computer game.  Your ridiculous rant only serves to prove my point that people take this game, and all games, too seriously.

-- Todd/Leviathn

Offline Snubby

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On ethics – The HO, The RAM, The SPY – an informal poll.
« Reply #58 on: October 30, 2007, 11:07:03 PM »
Originally posted by Dead Man Flying

It IS "just a game."  Tell me, how much money do YOU make on Aces High?  It's not soccer.  It's not football.  It's not even Little League.  It's a computer game.  Your ridiculous rant only serves to prove my point that people take this game, and all games, too seriously.

-- Todd/Leviathn

I cant help but picture the following:

a dark room, walls painted flat black..

in the middle of the room is a computer, the computer chair.. is a toilet, next to it. an IV bag... surrounding the monitor is a crude mockup of a 109 cockpit, forged with sweat, tears, and insanity.. from trashcan lids, saran wrap and various objects stolen from the neighbors shed..  above the monitor, a picture of skuzzy, the frame is round and resembles a pizza crust..

there is a closet in said room but contains only home made leather man panties and trench coats.

the neighbors make their kids walk to school on the other side of the street due to the mechanical, explosive and profane sounds that echo from the house at all hours of the nights..

anyone who has lived on this street more than a year remembers the fateful night when, without explanation a hand made fake sheep was found burning in the middle of road, some sort of crude ethegy, with the letters E.N.Y written in what was thought to be blood but turned out to be pizza sauce.


Offline kamilyun

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Originally posted by SEseph
Follow the herd!!!111!!!

Seriously, who cares if a bunch of drunks get all worked up over sweaty men in uniform.