Author Topic: Is the P-47 being dissed?  (Read 3142 times)

Offline Rich46yo

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Is the P-47 being dissed?
« on: November 03, 2007, 06:08:04 AM »
One just doesn't see it in the air much. In the actual war the T-bolt was the machine as close to the title "one airplane wrecking crew" that the Allies ever had. In everything it made a far larger contribution then any other Yank fighter.

                         Fighter, escort, Jabo, the airplane did it all, did it well, and did it often.

                         But its not as "beautiful" as the P-51 nor does it have the ponys mystique. I know its at its best up above where most of the action is going on but so are many other airplanes that one see's far more often.

                      Why is that?
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Is the P-47 being dissed?
« Reply #1 on: November 03, 2007, 06:50:52 AM »
Much like the real world. The AH Jug has both its fans and its critics.

A lot depends on who's flying it and how its flown.

Down low jugs are lunch, la5, yak, spit 16, can eat it up on average pretty easily.

At 14-16k its a whole nother world up there folks. And some of those folks are very very comfortable. The same planes that handled it easily on the deck are in turn lunch for the jug.

Easiest way to avoid this problem?

Never go above 8k :) Especially hunting jugs, esp in russian fighters.
Although I think the same would be pretty much true for the Nik as well.

Offline raider73

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Is the P-47 being dissed?
« Reply #2 on: November 03, 2007, 07:40:50 AM »
i like P47D 11 for BOom and zooming:t

Offline Urchin

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Is the P-47 being dissed?
« Reply #3 on: November 03, 2007, 07:57:07 AM »
Actually they are surprisingly agile in AH2.  I took a break for a couple years, and something definitely feels like it changed.  

I use the P-47-D-25 and D-40 for Jabo work, and after the ord comes off they are very competent fighters, even down on the deck.  Once the flaps come out they can hold a flat turn with a radius that would do a zeke proud, granted the turn rate isn't much to write home about.

I would rate the P-47 as far superior to any 190 in a knife fight (which wasn't the case when I left), and a little bit better than the P-51D, simply because it has more snapshot power and durability and doesn't feel any less manueverable any more.

Given equal pilots you'd probably get eaten up in the MA low, but if you have even some slight knowledge on how to fight and you manage to kill your opponents quickly, you should be able to hold your own in it.

Offline bozon

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Re: Is the P-47 being dissed?
« Reply #4 on: November 03, 2007, 08:24:54 AM »
Originally posted by Rich46yo
Why is that?

The Jug suffers from two things: poor PR and no winning move.

All the glory went to the Ponies (on the USAAF side). There are few people who have deep historical interest in the Jug when they join the game.

On the performance front, the jug is a little out of its element in MA settings. Worst of all, it is not a one trick plane. To be popular in the MA you need one of the 3: Speed, turn, quad cannons. Once you are at the top of one category, you can be successful in your ride after you learn one good move. Large fraction of the players will never learn more than that. The versatile planes (F6F, P38, P47, 190A5, 109G2 etc) that are decent but not best at anything, require a much larger and more adaptable bag of tricks. This is the reason they are not as popular.
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Offline BaldEagl

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Is the P-47 being dissed?
« Reply #5 on: November 03, 2007, 09:36:48 AM »
I see plenty of Jugs.  You just don't see many actually maintaining alt.  Almost all of those I see grab about 10-15K then dive on a field, drop ord, lose E and become fodder for the masses.

Very few of the Jug drivers in the MA's actually know how to fly them (although there are a few).

Where you're flying, in buffs, I'm not surprised you don't see many considering how they are used in the MA's.
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Is the P-47 being dissed?
« Reply #6 on: November 03, 2007, 09:46:10 AM »
Actually, I had a good deck fight with a spit16.

I had my flaps fully extended and we were there for 5 mins...I was truly in a "Stall Fight" with my gear down lightly touching the ground on every turn.

I was in a can turn with spit16s, if you can fly it right.
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Offline Widewing

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Is the P-47 being dissed?
« Reply #7 on: November 03, 2007, 09:51:08 AM »
Originally posted by Urchin
Actually they are surprisingly agile in AH2.  I took a break for a couple years, and something definitely feels like it changed.  

I use the P-47-D-25 and D-40 for Jabo work, and after the ord comes off they are very competent fighters, even down on the deck.  Once the flaps come out they can hold a flat turn with a radius that would do a zeke proud, granted the turn rate isn't much to write home about.

I would rate the P-47 as far superior to any 190 in a knife fight (which wasn't the case when I left), and a little bit better than the P-51D, simply because it has more snapshot power and durability and doesn't feel any less manueverable any more.

Given equal pilots you'd probably get eaten up in the MA low, but if you have even some slight knowledge on how to fight and you manage to kill your opponents quickly, you should be able to hold your own in it.

I fly the P-47 quite a bit and the beating it will give a P-51 can be epic. Better turn radius and rate. Excellent flaps, good ailerons and zoom climb. In terms of acceleration, the Mustangs do not have much advantage (if any depending upon weight). The only advantage going to the P-51 is max speed.

The typical MA pilots (flying virtually anything) running into a skilled Jug driver would find themselves peeing their pants in short order, should they underestimate the P-47.

My regards,

My regards,


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Re: Is the P-47 being dissed?
« Reply #8 on: November 03, 2007, 11:12:40 AM »
Originally posted by Rich46yo
One just doesn't see it in the air much. In the actual war the T-bolt was the machine as close to the title "one airplane wrecking crew" that the Allies ever had. In everything it made a far larger contribution then any other Yank fighter.

                         Fighter, escort, Jabo, the airplane did it all, did it well, and did it often.

                         But its not as "beautiful" as the P-51 nor does it have the ponys mystique. I know its at its best up above where most of the action is going on but so are many other airplanes that one see's far more often.

                      Why is that?

i saw one running last night:D

oo...and in it's own way, it actually IS a very beautiful aircraft rich.......i've got several great pics of them in my screensaver slideshow on my laptop.
someday i might fly it in here......
ingame 1LTCAP
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Offline bj229r

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Is the P-47 being dissed?
« Reply #9 on: November 03, 2007, 11:59:05 AM »
Most folks sense of 'normal' is a spit/niki/lghey where ya just yank and bank.....none of the 4 jugs is that sort of plane. After noticing that, said folks put jug in hangar and go back to yank and bank. Whatever makes your 15$ worth it to you...cant blame them for not flying  plane they have no fun with
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Offline Rich46yo

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Is the P-47 being dissed?
« Reply #10 on: November 03, 2007, 01:19:45 PM »
The P-47 is dear to me because, not just for being a WW-ll history buff, a dear friend of mine flew them during the war. He's passed on now but some of the stories he used to tell....

                         And I had an uncle who was a bombadier in B-17s too. Between the two of them I learned to love both airplanes at a young age.

                       Ive mixed it up with a few P-47s. One I pinged so many times I thought I was shooting rubber. Which is correct modeling because the real life Thunderbolt was probably the toughest fighter we ever built.
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Is the P-47 being dissed?
« Reply #11 on: November 03, 2007, 02:07:45 PM »
Originally posted by Rich46yo
The P-47 is dear to me because, not just for being a WW-ll history buff, a dear friend of mine flew them during the war. He's passed on now but some of the stories he used to tell....

                         And I had an uncle who was a bombadier in B-17s too. Between the two of them I learned to love both airplanes at a young age.

                       Ive mixed it up with a few P-47s. One I pinged so many times I thought I was shooting rubber. Which is correct modeling because the real life Thunderbolt was probably the toughest fighter we ever built.

dude! i'm not sure if they should go in this forum......but.......i'd be willing to bet i'm not the only one that'd like to hear some of them.......:aok

ingame 1LTCAP
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Is the P-47 being dissed?
« Reply #12 on: November 03, 2007, 02:09:31 PM »
Originally posted by Widewing
I fly the P-47 quite a bit and the beating it will give a P-51 can be epic. Better turn radius and rate. Excellent flaps, good ailerons and zoom climb. In terms of acceleration, the Mustangs do not have much advantage (if any depending upon weight). The only advantage going to the P-51 is max speed.

The typical MA pilots (flying virtually anything) running into a skilled Jug driver would find themselves peeing their pants in short order, should they underestimate the P-47.

My regards,


hey widewing.......
last one i ran into that actually fought(meaning no ho)........was flown by redtop.........and i didn't have tiem to pee my pants:rofl :rofl ....
he kicked my arsse too fast(i was in a 38l)
ingame 1LTCAP
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Offline MjTalon

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Is the P-47 being dissed?
« Reply #13 on: November 03, 2007, 03:57:21 PM »
I want to learn the P-47 so badly it hurts :cry. They are wonderful planes, takes a above average skilled pilot to pilot one effectively. But i'll learn it one day.

As for not seeing enough, there around. Either above 15k+ or on the deck fighting for there lifes, the ones you see on the deck are the inexperienced ones( most of the time) and the ones you catch above 15k will hand you your arse :eek:

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Offline bj229r

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Is the P-47 being dissed?
« Reply #14 on: November 03, 2007, 04:06:29 PM »
Originally posted by MjTalon
I want to learn the P-47 so badly it hurts :cry. They are wonderful planes, takes a above average skilled pilot to pilot one effectively. But i'll learn it one day.

As for not seeing enough, there around. Either above 15k+ or on the deck fighting for there lifes, the ones you see on the deck are the inexperienced ones( most of the time) and the ones you catch above 15k will hand you your arse :eek:
You can fly the N on the deck to some extent, its faster than spit16 as long as wep holds out, CERTainly more exciting than 15k:aok
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