Author Topic: Idea for Scenario.  (Read 1139 times)

Offline Carwash

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Idea for Scenario.
« on: October 29, 2007, 02:59:21 PM »
February 11 & 12 1942,  the German battle cruisers Schanrhorst, Gneisenau and Prinz Eugen are relocated from Brest, France to Norway.  They make a mad dash through the English Channel in broad daylight.  The R.A.F. throws everying they can muster on short notice against them.  The Luftwaffe has a well coordinated fighter cover planned.

We could use the BoB map. Would have to substitute something for the Swordfish.  I don't know if the task groups could be modified for this or not.

Sound like fun?

Has this been done before?

Offline BlauK

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Idea for Scenario.
« Reply #1 on: October 29, 2007, 03:17:39 PM »
I don't think it has been done, unless in some snapshot type of event.

The challenge with that particular historical event is that the Allies did not know that these ships were there for an event called Channel Dash. And when they learned they had left the harbor, they were not sure whether they had sailed to west or north or east.. they surely did not think at first that Germans would make such a bold move. The maneuver was attempted to be kept secret and performed under cover of bad weather.

If/when such event was designed, it would disregard the element of surprise. Allies would know what is going on, they would scout the location of the ships and hit them while Axis would try to protect them. That would also concentrate lots of planes at one and same area, which usually causes warps.

The ships would either have to be made very tough, or they might be sunk in the first frame... what would happen then in the last 2 or 3 frames?


Those are just some initial thought. I have actually played with the idea of the Channel Dash, but did not continue further with the above mentioned reasons.

If one can overcome the obvious traps, maybe by adding something more... some different fights or battles into it, or maybe more ships in every frame, or ...  , who knows? It just might evolve into something.

So, don't let me discourage anyone, if you have ideas to keep it going ;)

  BlauKreuz - Lentolaivue 34      

Offline Carwash

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Idea for Scenario.
« Reply #2 on: October 29, 2007, 03:48:10 PM »
BlauK,  you're right about the surprise part.  You would have to start the event at about noon on Feb. 12, when the British were pretty well aware of what was going on.  The weather was horrible that day, I not sure how that would be modeled in the game, and if it would make game play unsatisfactory.

I thought about the ships.  Three task groups, minus the carriers, could be used.  These would simulate the German ships and their escorts.  Seperate them a little bit, so all the players are not in the same spot.  I believe Scharnhorst did fall behind because she hit a mine.  The bad weather would make locating the ships difficult for the R.A.F side, many scouts would be necessary.

I don't know much about what is involved in putting one of these things together, so I'm just throwing out an idea.

Offline BlauK

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Idea for Scenario.
« Reply #3 on: October 29, 2007, 04:49:28 PM »
There are actually 2 ways to think about the whole situation... which side is attacking and which defending?

If one considers the Fleets like bases which need to be attacked and defended, the Allies are attackers and Axis are defending.

However, if one considers the Fleets like bomber formations on their way to certain destination, the Axis become the escorts while Allies are defending... (=trying to prevent their movement).

This decision or point of view may play a big role when regarding e.g. the player ratios.

  BlauKreuz - Lentolaivue 34      

Offline Dace

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Idea for Scenario.
« Reply #4 on: October 29, 2007, 08:57:57 PM »
The next FSO is actually based on this.

Offline BlauK

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Idea for Scenario.
« Reply #5 on: October 30, 2007, 01:47:35 AM »
There you go :aok

  BlauKreuz - Lentolaivue 34      

Offline LLv34_Camouflage

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Idea for Scenario.
« Reply #6 on: October 30, 2007, 02:19:19 PM »
Channel Dash has been flown as an event in Warbirds, atleast twice as an EMC:

CO, Lentolaivue 34
Brewster's in AH!
"How about the power to kill a Yak from 200 yards away - with mind bullets!"