so the original suggestions do not show the part of the allied fighter pilots

If you wanted it to show what actually happened in the frames, yes you could sketch one with allied bombers and fighters flying together in beautiful formation without any axis in sight.... and yes, some great flaming factories in the background
However, that is not what the scenario "Der Grosse Schlag" was about. That could represent just about any bomb run during the late war. DGS was about LW's attempt to form a huge counterattack against the bombers, does that ring a bell? Shouldn't the design in that light picture a huge LW formation?

LOL, I never heard any LW fighter pilot complaining about the BoB patch that their 109s and their escorting action were not shown. Not even any Allied pilot complained about the missing Spits and Hurricanes.
I suggest a simple excercise: Answer in one sentence, what made DGS different from other fights of that time? What was DGS about? Then tell how it could be pictured as simply as possible so that it could be recognized without any additional text. Or if you are up to it, draw one.
And Fencer, please, send those numerous guys here to voice their opinions. The scenario is long gone and so are its chains of command

Otherwise it only sounds like you are trying to add more weight to your own opinion...