I find myself sometimes mystified at how someone couldn't come up with .50 cents a day to feed their future addiction. The cost of a soda, two cigs, 1/2 slice of pizza, 1/6 of a gallon of gas, 1/2 of a bottle of purified water, buss fare, all these things cost the same or more than AH does.
The return on investment in entertainment value for AH is phenomenal, the only thing I can think of that's cheaper would be sex with your spouse or significant other, and even that cost is debateable.
< fires up the Wayback Machine set it to my early youth >
Back in the late 50's and early 60's I had a BB gun addiction. The cost of 500 BB's was, if I remember correctly, .65 cents and. On any given Saturday morning if I wanted to go shooting but had no money for BB's I'd go out and solicit my neighbors for some yard work or car washing, whatever I would think that they needed. After 1/2 day I'd have enough money for a month or so of plinking on the weekends.
< sets Wayback Machine to the recent past >
When AH first went Pay to Play the cost was $30/month. Even at that cost, a dollar a day, the ROI was a very good deal. Being an adult I found that that wasn't too hard to afford even if it meant that I had to sacrifice one of or part of one of my vices like a beer, 4 cigs, one less trip to the fast food joint a week, or so on. Not a problem. Even when I had to take a break for work or computer problems I still paid HTC because I wanted AH to succeed and grow because I knew I'd be back.
< shuts down the Wayback Machine >
The bottom line is, if you want to play enough you'll find a way if you are willing to try. Coming in here and asking for a no cost alternative will get you fewer results and a whole lot more grief than using that space 'tween your ears and searching the net for yourself.
< walks away mumbling about walking to and from school uphill both ways >
Not so humbly,