Author Topic: <S> to all the AH players  (Read 567 times)

Offline BaldEagl

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<S> to all the AH players
« on: November 12, 2007, 01:11:21 PM »
I flew a set of Lancasters for the first time in months (my old primary buff ride) on Saturday afternoon.  My target was a Knight city just across the pond from Bish territory.  I found a friendly base at 4.5K, set up the formation with 14x1000 pounders and took off.

I set course SxSW planning to grab 23K alt, then turn ExNE to taget, level, open doors and take 2 passes, once across the south side of the city, once across the north hitting 5 of the 6 building groups on the combined passes.  Due to the logistics of my course, and noticing that I would cross 3 enemy radar zones, I ended up climbing to 24.5K before leveling.  Better safe than sorry.

On the way in everything went smoothly.  No enemies although a few dar bars occasionally sprang up.  The first pass drops were good at 3x1000 lbs each and damage was substantial.  I continued east for one sector, verifying my new stable speed then turned back to target.  I climbed slightly during the turn, then pointed the nose down with E6B open until I reached my verified stable speed then leveled and calibrated.  By this time I was almost on target.  3x1000 away.  2x1000 away.

I opened the text buffer to watch the damage unfold, closed the bay doors and jumped to exterior view to turn for home.  Oh s***t!  2 cons 2.0 and 2.5K off my six and closing... a P-51 and an F4U.

OK... Get alt.  Don't make it easy on them.  I jumped to pilot, hit auto climb then jumped to my rear guns.  The Pony (a D model) was crawling up my direct 6 from below while the F4U (also a D model) was now co-alt and climbing off my left side but I could still track him from my rear guns.

I kept switching from plane to plane as I tracked them both, now about 1-1.5K off me.  Don't fire.  Don't wast ammo.  Small bursts when you do.  I've blown the ammo in Lancs too many times in the past.

The F4U's coming over.  Small burst.  Miss.  He goes by left to right.  Now the Pony.  Short burst and I ping a wing.  He dives away.  The F4U is setting back up off my right wing and I can't track him from the tail.  I jump to the upper gun.  Short burst.  He flys over right to left losing a little ground.  Back to the tail gun.  The Pony is back.  Short burst.  He backs off.  The F4U comes again giving me a full profile.. short burst... lead is correct; hold the trigger... and he evaporates in a cloud of flame.  The Pony's back.  800... I start taking pings... 600... short burst... is his prop stopped?  Yes!  I got his engine.  He's falling back then breaks off in a dive.  Thank God.  I'm out of ammo in the tail.  Whew!

I jump to pilot and turn for home, now at 31K.  I set auto climb to descend gradually toward home.  Just as I cross into the first friendly radar ring I notice a red dot just off my left side on radar.  Oh s***t.  Now what.

I jump to external view and 2-3K below and off my left side I see a set of silver buffs.  The score-potato in me tells me not to do it but I can't resist the urge and set course to intercept.

Now I'm level on his 6 and closing.  My score-potato conscience says "This is suicide... a few .303's against many .50's." but my more aggressive side says "Maybe he doesn't see you".  I jump to the nose guns.

2.5K... 2.0K... 1.5K... 1.0K... 1000... 800... I start to take pings... 600 and I open up on him.  He lights up but it sounds like a hailstorm on my Lancs.  And then I hear a pop.  Uh-Oh.  That can't be good.  

I jump to pliot and begin to break left and dive then jump to external view only to see that I'm offering a full profile at only 800 out.  Worse yet, I'm missing a drone.  Suddenly one fuel tank is leaking.  Then another on the other side.  Finally... out of guns range.

I continue to dive out and make base a few minutes later.

That was the most fun I've had flying bombers in I can't remember how long.  

I gave the F4U pilot (someone I've fought before) a after the Pony dived away.  I think he was miffed as to why.  It was partially just a hello and partially a to all those who make this great game so fun.
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Offline Rich46yo

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« Reply #1 on: November 12, 2007, 01:26:32 PM »
I think flying bombers is a different type of mindset. I think the older crowd understands it takes as much skills as fighters, just a different type of skill. Its does take pre-flight planning if your going to be successful. Most of the time I get into tussles its on the way "out" of the target because sneaking into it was by design not accident.

                     I remember the first time a set of B-17s came down on my own 17s. I saw him maneuvering above me but I thought he was going to drop bombs on me. When he didn't I completely forgot about him, and little did I know he was diving on me. I didn't even know such a thing was possible. Lesson learned.

                   Funny but droning along in cyber-space, at alt, is somehow "peaceful" and "relaxing".

                 And coming hard into a base, in shot to pieces bombers, with multiple kills you want to see in the Marquee, is among the most exciting aspects of this game. We dont get to rearm and go back out. When we come in with multiple kills it was all on one run.

             Yeah, these AH bombers are terrific. I agree.
"flying the aircraft of the Red Star"

Offline badhorse

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« Reply #2 on: November 12, 2007, 02:06:59 PM »
A salute to you sir.  I really enjoy this type of post.
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Offline NoBaddy

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« Reply #3 on: November 12, 2007, 02:17:19 PM »
As part of the afore mentioned "older crowd"...yes, it takes some skill. However, it still bores me to tears. I do this for entertainment. For entertainment purposes, I rank buff driving somewhere between root canals and watching the chrome peel off a '59 Chevy bumper. :)
NoBaddy (NB)

Flying since before there was virtual durt!!
"Ego is the anesthetic that dulls the pain of stupidity."

Offline Oldman731

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« Reply #4 on: November 12, 2007, 02:46:41 PM »
Originally posted by NoBaddy
As part of the afore mentioned "older crowd"...yes, it takes some skill. However, it still bores me to tears. I do this for entertainment. For entertainment purposes, I rank buff driving somewhere between root canals and watching the chrome peel off a '59 Chevy bumper. :)

From an actual newspaper contest where entrants ages 4 to 15 were asked to imitate "Deep Thoughts by Jack Handey":

"I don't know about you, but I enjoy watching paint dry. I imagine that the wet paint is a big fresh water lake that is the only source of water for some tiny cities by the lake. As the lake gets drier, the population gets more desperate, and sometimes there are water riots.  Once there was a big fire and everyone died." --Age 13

Offline Sloehand

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« Reply #5 on: November 12, 2007, 02:57:49 PM »
I fly the B-24's almost exclusively when buff driving, for its guns, speed and 2000 lb. CV killers.

Many times I've come home after a bomb run to find some enemy bomber inb my base and had a 1 v. 1 duel with him.  Great fun.  

However, the very best was when I returned to my base just as 5 bomber formations and two fighters were attacking.  I was the only friendly in the sky.  Since their attacks were very uncoordinated, I was able to engage several of them, eventually destroying one buff formation completely, and knocking two more down to just one plane.  Eventually, I was finished off by the fighters, but not before I killed one of them first as well.

Totally disrupted the bomb attack and base capture.  Loved it.
Jagdgeschwader 77

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Offline 1Boner

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« Reply #6 on: November 12, 2007, 03:50:57 PM »
Great story!

It surprises me how many cons I see at 25-30k

Have had many great fights up there!

Mostly like to fly 24s.

However when getting attacked up high in Lancs, I will start descending as much as I can.

It seems to keep them above me more so as not to bare the vulnerable Lanc underside.

Get to use my top turret more instead of wasting all the valuable and sparse tail ammo.

But when meeting an equally maniacal buff pilot intent on killing me at high alt, the engament is always epic!!

Great story!!

"Life is just as deadly as it looks"  Richard Thompson

"So umm.... just to make sure I have this right.  What you are asking is for the bombers carrying bombs, to stop dropping bombs on the bombs, so the bombers can carry bombs to bomb things with?"  AKP

Offline FBplmmr

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« Reply #7 on: November 12, 2007, 03:59:09 PM »
From text buffer in AW3  

Q: I'm being chased by a FW... how fast can a b-17 go in a dive?

A: With or without the wings?


Offline SgtPappy

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« Reply #8 on: November 12, 2007, 04:15:38 PM »
Reminds me of the stories I am so lucky to hear from the few veterans we have walking about today.

If you've ever met Scottish-born Philip Gray who works at a museum in Toronto, he would gladly tell you about his wonderful stories in the war during his life.

Even more appropriate, he was a Lanc pilot and he did many of the things you mentioned (except shoot down Allied a/c of course). Tragedy, laughs, action... the lives of the veterans, and let's hope we can remember the stories so that we may pass them on. Makes a normal Canadian life a more interesting for me.
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Offline hubsonfire

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« Reply #9 on: November 12, 2007, 04:43:27 PM »
Originally posted by Oldman731
From an actual newspaper contest where entrants ages 4 to 15 were asked to imitate "Deep Thoughts by Jack Handey":

"I don't know about you, but I enjoy watching paint dry. I imagine that the wet paint is a big fresh water lake that is the only source of water for some tiny cities by the lake. As the lake gets drier, the population gets more desperate, and sometimes there are water riots.  Once there was a big fire and everyone died." --Age 13

:lol  Excellent!
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Offline Rich46yo

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« Reply #10 on: November 12, 2007, 04:45:51 PM »
Originally posted by NoBaddy
As part of the afore mentioned "older crowd"...yes, it takes some skill. However, it still bores me to tears. I do this for entertainment. For entertainment purposes, I rank buff driving somewhere between root canals and watching the chrome peel off a '59 Chevy bumper. :)

                        I guess everything depends. Myself? I can sit for 10 hours in the cold, without moving, waiting for a deer to walk by. A 1 hour bombing run is fast action to me. Mostly I hit and run at front line bases now so theres no shortage of action. Like last one, hit dars and ords, and took out one spit.

                    The kind Eagle is talking about is a gas. Landing shot up bombers is the ultimate, I believe, because you have to drive them so far from behind enemy lines. Ive damaged countless enemy fighters only to watch them plop down at a nearby base. But in bombers you often have to go so far to get home.

                   Sneaking thru enemy lines, in bombers shot to pieces, and getting them down? Now that is an accomplishment. Yaknow the kind of damage Im talking about?? When you lower flaps and the airplane goes sideways??:huh

                  My 3 greatest loves are the B-26, the B-17, and the KI-47. I spend almost 98% of my time in those three with an occasional "fun run" in AR-234s.
"flying the aircraft of the Red Star"

Offline NoBaddy

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« Reply #11 on: November 12, 2007, 07:32:32 PM »
Originally posted by Oldman731
From an actual newspaper contest where entrants ages 4 to 15 were asked to imitate "Deep Thoughts by Jack Handey":

"I don't know about you, but I enjoy watching paint dry. I imagine that the wet paint is a big fresh water lake that is the only source of water for some tiny cities by the lake. As the lake gets drier, the population gets more desperate, and sometimes there are water riots.  Once there was a big fire and everyone died." --Age 13

Funny how some folks confuse deep thoughts with being obtuse. :D

Deep Thoughts
NoBaddy (NB)

Flying since before there was virtual durt!!
"Ego is the anesthetic that dulls the pain of stupidity."

Offline Kuhn

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« Reply #12 on: November 12, 2007, 08:24:13 PM »
Originally posted by Oldman731
From an actual newspaper contest where entrants ages 4 to 15 were asked to imitate "Deep Thoughts by Jack Handey":

"I don't know about you, but I enjoy watching paint dry. I imagine that the wet paint is a big fresh water lake that is the only source of water for some tiny cities by the lake. As the lake gets drier, the population gets more desperate, and sometimes there are water riots.  Once there was a big fire and everyone died." --Age 13

If trees could scream, would we be so cavalier about cutting them down?
Probably, if they screamed all the time for no good reason.  
Jack Handey
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Offline Kuhn

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« Reply #13 on: November 12, 2007, 08:25:40 PM »
Oh yeah, good story. I love hunting buffs.     :D
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