Author Topic: 79th Fighter Group - Thanks to all the Veterans  (Read 257 times)

Offline GGhost

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79th Fighter Group - Thanks to all the Veterans
« on: November 12, 2007, 11:39:46 AM »
On behalf of the 79th FG: " We salute the present & past Veterans. And for all of the living & fallen Veterans. You are not forgot my friend & brothers in arms!"

Even for those that don't support the military. But they should remember it's the military that protects there rights to live here in America and to have freedom given to all of us..  And with that freedom: Comes the freedom of choices in each and every day of all Americans lives. Remember you are not an oppressed nation.  America is great because of the freedom choices of life."


" Thank you my fellow Veteran & brothers. - You are the real heroes in real time.
We also thank for what you gave up! - your precious time, energy, courage, honor, family and most of all your life.
To put your life on the line every winking moment to protect this America and our ways of life."
Thank you for giving us all the wonderful freedom of an American life. " - GGhost - CO   :aok

Stop by our website to see more tributes to our veterans.
79th Fighter Group << Click here

« Last Edit: November 12, 2007, 12:47:01 PM by GGhost »
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Thanks for the Salute!
« Reply #1 on: November 12, 2007, 12:59:38 PM »
However, as a Veteran,  I must state that it is not the Military that protects the Rights of people who live in the United States; it is The Constitution of the United States that protects those Rights. We, as Veterans, are the Defenders of the Constitution. Upon Enlistment into the Armed forces of the United States, we swear to defend the Constitution against all Enemies, Foreign, and Domestic. It is an Oath not to be taken lightly; nor should it be misunderstood, or misinterpreted.

I took it. I still uphold it.

Thanks for your salute, 79th FG, it is returned.
"We're surrounded. That simplifies the problem."- Lewis B. "Chesty" Puller, General, USMC

Offline GGhost

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79th Fighter Group - Thanks to all the Veterans
« Reply #2 on: November 12, 2007, 02:46:02 PM »
As a present member of the military and veteran of Foreign Wars. Some people forget that without the military we could be living in a total different world and nation. And from the U.S. Constitution - The Bill of Rights was form. In which our laws are created from.

I was also stressing our freedom that we have. I been to many diferent nations. Not all nation so willing to let there people be to free. Take a look at Hong Kong and China. The middle east and some of the nations there. Even some European nations are not as free as they would like us to believe. How about the Baltic nations? Do you think they are as free as America is? Aaah Nop! :huh

That's why American Soliders, Sailors, and Airmen are every where. Trying to spread a little bit of Americas humanity & freedom to the world and protecting our nation - United States of America

I was also trying to get people to think and thank some of the men & women of the U.S. Arm Forces. You know as well as I we could of been speaking German, Japanese or Russian.

Maybe Chinese? :huh Huh food for thought.

Then everyone's rights or lives would be different.

Take care & salute - GGhost
« Last Edit: November 12, 2007, 04:05:51 PM by GGhost »
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