It was a harrowing weekend. Saturday evening, Andrew went to the ER because he was all plugged up, hadn't pooped in 3 days.
Stacy took the girls to church Sunday after noon and still no poop from the big boy. Well, Stacy hadn't been gone for more than 15 minutes when I heard a very odd sort of.. "BLORP" from the kids play area downstairs. Took me a minute to think through what the sound was. Sure enough, Andrew had broken loose. I've never seen a diaper... oh never mind.. you get the idea. He proceeded to fill 3 more diapers in quick succession. Only my NASCAR pitcrew like diaper changing ability prevented a toxic waste spill... remember it had been in there for 3 days.... it was toxic.
By evening Andrew had developed a fever of almost 104 so when Stacy got back from church, Andrew had to go back to the ER. Fortunately it was nothing more than a bug he'd picked up somewhere and not related to his .... bowels. They didn't get home until 3AM though so we are really dragging today.
Andrew, being the generous soul that he is, is sharing his little bug with the other kids.. John is getting sick and no doubt the girls aren't far behind.
ah well, it's never boring!
Andrew was weighed each time he went to the ER. He lost a full pound between visits...think about it..... that's a lot of poop out of a toddler.