Hi, yesterday I was flying in the offline training, and I had a formation of B-24s from a vehicle field (please don't ask for reasons, the only 1 is laziness)
When i advanced my throttle to takeoff, my 1st bomber spun into the air, lost wings and crashed. something similar happened with my 2nd bomber (I don't remember if I bailed or not).
Anyway, I wound up in my 3rd bomber, made my bombing run anyway, took a few ack hits (I lost a fuel tank, and oil in engines #2 and #3).
After I landed, and shut off my engines, I noticed that when the engines were spinning down, the propellers of engines #3 and #4 were damaged (bent back). However when I restarted my engines, those props appeared to be fine.
Whenever I turned my engines on/off, in the times when they were winding up/down, i would see both my #3 and #4 props (spinning), and appearing to be both damaged and normal at the same time.
There was no damage listed for engine #4, and only oil hits from #3. I was still getting thrust out of all 4 engines.
If necessary, I'll attach an image if someone tells me how