My plan is to make a small film and I started to searching a *.ahf material for it from //films folder. I knew about which terrain I was after or with who I was flying with so, easy to search, right? Well, no.
Process was too slow for my taste so, I coded a *.ahf file search script:
http://www.warezhouze.1g.fi/Here/AH/vids/AHF%20search_0a1.pyThe script requirements and installation
1. This script require the python programming language installation:
http://www.python.org/2. The script must locate to the /HTC/Aces High II/films/ folder
3. User need to open the 'AHF_search_0a1.py' file with notepad( or similar) and define the paths to the /films folder and to the notepad.exe program.
How to run the script and view the result?
1. Open the /films folder and start the script by double clicking it
2. Give a search parameter: map name or player name and hit enter. The search process takes some time due file by file, line by line search.
3. The script will create the "AHF_[your search parameter].txt" report file to the //films folder and open it with Notepad for viewing.
Thats it so far.
Later maybe a basic AND / OR search strings, AHF_*.txt report with .ahf file size & date data and 'Save As..' functions.