Author Topic: Lots of Ron Paul supporters here  (Read 856 times)

Offline Ripsnort

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Lots of Ron Paul supporters here
« Reply #30 on: December 17, 2007, 03:48:18 PM »
Originally posted by Mickey1992
I am anxious to see how Paul does on Meet the Press on Sunday.  Like Fred Thompson, Paul makes sense and sounds great when reading blogs or transcripts, but in the flesh he reminds me of a crazy uncle.  

(Or in the case of Fred Thompson, he reminds me of my Grandfather when we would wake him 30 seconds before it was time for dinner.)

:rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl

Offline Rolex

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Lots of Ron Paul supporters here
« Reply #31 on: December 17, 2007, 05:20:09 PM »
Originally posted by midnight Target
If you all are interested in throwing money into a lost cause I'd like to submit my home address for donations. I have almost as good a chance as Ron Paul of being elected.

If Ron Paul gets the nomination, I don't think any Democrat can beat him in the election. At this time four years ago, John Kerry was lower in the media polls than Ron Paul is now, yet he went on to win the nomination, so I wouldn't get smug about dismissing him.

The campaign started too early. The more the media-anointed Republican "front runners" talk, the more people are moving away from them. They have no substance. There are so many skeletons in all their closets, unlike Ron Paul. He has to be the cleanest guy to ever run in the last 50 years.

Every vote and position he has taken has been for the nation, not for himself. Since when is never accepting money from lobbyists, voting against government growth and the "federalization" of every aspect of life considered to be "crazy?" I guess people have been programmed to think that only sleazy politicians are electable - a statesman seems bizarre.

He never attacks anyone, but sticks to the issues. Others have to attack and belittle him because they certainly don't want the voting public to come to their senses and realize that only they are asked to sacrifice - the government and governing class never sacrifices anything. One of the greatest points he makes is that income tax could be eliminated simply by cutting federal spending back to the same level it was 7 years ago. Is that so hard to do?

How can you argue against the Constitution? Should kids no longer study the Constitution in school? Is it just a joke and something to be snickered at?

Offline lazs2

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Lots of Ron Paul supporters here
« Reply #32 on: December 18, 2007, 10:57:40 AM »
chair..  what I am saying is that the right and republicans would not be that upset if ron paul won.... the libertarian ideals of self reliance and smaller government and less socialism sit well with the right and the conservative and the individualist like myself.

All I am saying is that the left who vote for him would wake up with a huge hangover when they realized that smoking pot came at the expense of less big brother to watch over them and protect them and take other peoples money for their pet social experiments.
