I was surprised by the results of the test... thus I question the validity of the test.
However Arlo and I seem pretty much of the same political frame of mind which is no surprise to me...
Though spiritual and very much a christian I am not a bible thumper and I saw a lot of questions pertaining to the right that paralleled religious dogma.
I am strongly opposed to the state making criminals of women who get abortions and that is probably a big part of the reason it shows me left of center instead of right of center.
Free enterprise and thus Business is the engine of our economy, not an enemy, and needs preferential considerations but business is not always innocent in its dealings with its employees or the public sometimes.
There should never have been a need in the first place for unions and though I oppose the political manipulation of unions by those seeking power, unions were a necessary evil with some but not all businesses.
Case in point... forcing the Railroads to maintain the position of "fireman" after steam locomotives were phased out is total nonsense to me.