Originally posted by bongaroo
Have a situation I would like some advice on. I have trouble hitting my target while they do this, but it never really saves them but it does waste some of my ammo and a lot of my time. I will drop with a lot of E onto the six of a p51, la7, or another fast bird that the pilot is expecting to be able to just outrun me with and once the pilot has realized I will be getting a shot they do something odd. They aren't starting a scirssors or barrel roll but will roll and then push their stick forward and then roll again and repeat. They never get away doing this but it frustratingly enough throws off my aim. Most times now I'll wait till they've pulled it a few times and have obviously disoriented as the stop doing it and unload the g's for a second; probably trying to catch sight of me again.
Any tips for how to end these fights faster?
30mm cannon ... if your carrying one ... else there is no solution for the "stick stirrers" of AH. You just have to hang in there and wait/time your shot for a good solid landing of many rounds. If there are many bogeys around, ya got to let him go or you expose yourself to getting bounced too.
If I have the time, I shoot small bursts to just ping them, causing them to stir even more. What they don't realize is that the more they stir, the slower they get ... and the closer I get, the more rounds will hit home no matter how much they stir the stick.
Sometimes, the small pings add up, and begin to weaken the aircraft frame. Nothing funnier than to see the stirrer make a violent move and watch a wing separate from the fuselage and then plummet to a dirt nap.