Author Topic: Squad times?  (Read 416 times)

Offline Anaxogoras

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Squad times?
« on: January 07, 2008, 03:21:54 AM »
It's great to see so many squads posting and recruiting here.  One thing I can't find so easily are regular squad times, e.g. "we try to fly together at this time on this day," which I'd assume is important to most people.

I am interested in squads that fly on Friday afternoons Pacific time, e.g. maybe 3 or 4 pm.  This isn't super strict, but I'm putting it out here because it's a time I can commit to by mid January.

Many years ago I was in a squad in warbirds and enjoyed the wingman tactics and general teamwork.  I prefer historical squads, not just for the immersion factor, but also because I find it awkward to fly as wingman to an aircraft with drastically different performance.:lol

If you're looking for a new pilot and your squad time matches my requirement, send me a pm here and we can coordinate further.:aok
334th FS

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Offline humble

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Squad times?
« Reply #1 on: January 07, 2008, 11:13:01 AM »
We always have guys up but never have a squad time. Simply to many of us spread all over the world. While we technically are a "spitty squad" the reality is we fly everything. Best "immersion" is the variety of accents....but its odd having Bat, Biggles and Steff on with there British accents and then Tedrick with his German and then a couple of US guys...makes you feel more like a UN peace keeping force then a "squad"...

Our teamwork is well noted but is strictly "ad-lib". We wing similiar and disimiliar planes simply based on who wants to do what. I was "winging" with RedTop yesterday morning in an A-20 (he was in a D-25)...but we had cbizquit in a mossie and Biggles in a spit and 2-3 others up as well. We'll tend to mix, match and trade off based on circumstance and timing.

We usually fly LWA knight and your more then welcome to tag along a bit anytime. We use vox 171 just tune in if your up and see who happens to be flying...since a bunch of US fly FSO friday nights we normally have a bunch of guys up at that time (unless were messing around in the DA)...

"The beauty of the second amendment is that it will not be needed until they try to take it."-Pres. Thomas Jefferson