I've been cleaning out my friends Closet spaces of old computers, so far I've managed to nab a Windows 95 (unkown amount of ram, matters little, as its processor is dead and going to become a necklace/keychain)
And a Windows 98SE, with 64mbs of ram (I have a compatible 256mb ram stick though) and a two hundred and freaking sixty MHZ processor.
I'm also getting two relitivly older computers (still white cases, I expect 2ks, exact clones of each other.) Now, not knowing what their processor speeds are...
Lets say, by some act of a higher being, they have 256mb ram sticks. One in each, and I can put two in one, and get that grand, min req of 512mbs of RAM...
Let's also assume that they somehow meet that min req of... 1ghz processor speed... Somehow, magically.
So if I jacked my 98SE, or if they are 2ks, their HDDs on there (and a decent video card)... and managed to get the internet working on them (I just need a 98SE cd for the 98...SE to get it working)
Say I download Aces High on them... And go to town. I know the min. req. has been updated on the home page (even though it's actually been like that for a while) but does 98SE and 2k REALLY still run Aces High?
Has it been tested recently? Because I don't have any XP CDs/keys laying around. And not a whole lot of money(at the moment.
As a side note, I have a computer for myself, 3.3ghz processor (Celeron D) and 1256mbs of ram. 80gb hard drive, etc. Good stuff compared to what I'm getting. So if they don't i have a backup.
But I'm thinking if they do work then I can use that computer for AH, and the other one for something else. I'm sure I could find something creative...