Originally posted by B@tfinkV
see its amazing lazs. for a heathen like me being shot is being shot. a bullet that hits you is a bullet that hits you. if you get my meaning.
i geuss its the difference between a nice round hole in your shoulder (9mm) and a nice stump where your shoulder used to be(45).
i dont plan to get shot by or shoot at people so hopefully my ignorance will go unpunished.
You can only say that because you live in England.
The latest fad here in America is being Tased, instead of being shot. However, since that is almost always done by the authorities, it is generally done with justification.
Here where I live, an automobile thief was brought into a hospital emergency room this past weekend by the local police. The owner of the stolen car had witnessed the theft, and had taken chase in another car. After the thief crashed and totaled his car during the chase, the owner caught him and beat him up pretty badly. So that was why he was taken to the hospital, to be checked over. Police did not show up for 15 minutes, and the guy was pretty well worked over by the really pissed off owner by then.
Well, in the Emergency room, the thief jumped on the doctor that was treating his injuries, and then grabbed him by the throat with both hands, and started choking him very violently. The doctor was in danger of being strangled.
The officer who escorted the thief to the hospital then tased him, which made him immediately release his hold on the poor doctor's throat. So the unlucky criminal ended up being in a violent car crash, then badly beat up, and then shot with a Taser in the same day.
I believe that a well place Taser shot can incapacitate faster than either the .45, the 9mm, or anything else. Unfortunately, though, guns are still needed in society. 25% of Americans are estimated to own them, and the number of guns in civilian hands is now almost 200 million, far more than all of America's military and police forces combined.
SIG 220