Originally posted by AquaShrimp
I don't care if shes evil, or if she is a crybaby. If she follows up on her promise of investing 50 billion dollars in alternative fuels, then she will be the best President ever. The implications of that are a cheap fuel source for Americans, and cutting the money train to the Middle East.
The technology is there, the scientists are willing and able. All they need is the funding. Grass into gas. Hillary in 2008!
50 billion, I guess when your running for president you can make up any figure you like. It's a political promise.
Technology, what technology? Until there is an alternative to cheap oil the world will never sever it's ties to it. Unless of course the world runs out altogether but there will be a few good wars before that happens.
Same deal goes with Energy, you can have all the sun farms and windmills you like but until there is a cheap alternative to coal and oil that's what we've got.
And by the way for all you greenies that constantly go on about wind and solar farms. They might be able to power a lightbulb in your house but they are a long way from being able to power a grid. Most the power they create gets sucked into keeping the powerline current active.