Ive read the same things Captain says. Stents are a short term solution to a problem. There was a recent article (Google it) debating whether people should be stented or put on statins. The study seemed to say, without saying it, that Dr's are relying too much on stents, when statins could reap the same gains.
And for bigger blockages, bypass surgery reaps the most success.
If you already have stents and blockages, are they having you take asprin and other meds?
I take 2 baby asprin a day (162mg total) since I inherited Luten Factor V, a clotting blood disorder. Just part of my preventative regiment Ive discussed with my Dr. My Dad had a blood clot in his leg that was caught early. But he's on blood thinners and the like.
(I also made some diet changes 3 years ago, thanks to Toad's info on cholesterol. I gave up all soda, drink lots of green tea and water. I read great de-calcifying articles about pommegranate juice, so I added that to the diet. Im trying to avoid the issues my father and grandparents had)
Point being, I'm hoping they just dont medicate you and not gve you some good nutritional advice too.
Good luck, man