It's my hope that once the dweebs, squeakers, and armchair generals will soon tire of the limited planeset and go back to the MA. The AvA has, in the past, the best arena to fight in, and it would be great to see some new faces. I joined AH after 1 night in the AvA during my trial. The AvA staffmembers have the unenviable task of maintaining an arena of hardcore players who can be difficult at times.
However, the AvA rules should be enforced by the AvA staff members, ESPECIALLY now that we have so many new pilots who have never flown in the AvA before.
fair and balanced aircraft engagements. Vulching is frowned upon as is spawn camping. All players are expected to behave in a polite and chivalrous manner. Rude heckling and insulting behavior will not be tolerated by any AvA staff.
Either those are the rules, or they aren't. Once squad can't follow the rules while another doesn't... Pilots who are breaking the rules, whether accidentally or willfully, should be corrected...if necessary...ejected from the arena.
The AvA is about living history for a brief moment in time...the MA is about points and getting your name in pretty lights. If the AvA doesn't have some semblance of rules of conduct, it's just a MA with country specific planesets...if we lose our soul to gain a few numbers...what's the point?