MAJissue, 'cuz I have a MAJOR ISSUE with: spys, cheaters, hacks, squeekers HOers, cherrypickers, toolshedders, woodshedders, communists, fachists, Reactionaries, Radicals, Little dogs, big cats, rodents, freemasons, skull and boners, Rivisionest historians, 911 truthers, code pink, Cindy Sheehan, Charlie Sheen, Nazis (the real ones not the imagined ones that liberals use when name calling), Liberals, Conservatives, Log cabin Republicans, Democrats, Republicans, the NEA, IRS, the NY Yankees, any Boston sports team (pick 'em), East Coast bias, Stuart Scott, any "music" made with a Drum Machine, MACs, the t-bar cyclic control layout on Robinson Helicopters, French cars, British food, knowing how to navigate with a GPS and not a paper map, The John Birch Society, The ACLU, Public employees, Labor Unions (is it a Mob or Commie controlled Union... you decide), Oliver Stone, Courtney Love (Kurt ate a shotgun rather than wake up next to her again!), Disco, Strats not made in the US, solid state power amps, Dams without fish ladders, Any politician that uses a first name on campaign stuff ( guilty: Hilllary), and 2% milk. Did I leave out VansCrew?
Just joking, (mostly) except about Vanscrew