I came up the back side of the path back in Warbirds. First flying H2H, then Fighter Ops beta's, had a variety of names, mostly starting with Ghost.
Ended up with most of them going to ghost- or ghostt.
Went to move over here to AH and I was ready for a change. I had an idea, I'll go Ghost Hawk
Well back then 6 letters was the limit I was experimenting with different spellings. Had just tried GhostH and wasn't fond of it when the phone rang. Cat jumps off my lap, hits the keyboard, smacks the return key and GhostH I was from then forward.
Its amazing how that one little H trips peoples tongues up.
So rather than tell everyone about the cat, and the missing "awk" I just said the H is silent.
So if you see me in game just call me Ghost don't worry about that "H", its just hanging there following me around, hoping for a free meal. I've been just plain "Ghost" to all my squadies for so long. And that H has been following me for years now, so I don't even think about it.
Besides, who knows who I'd of turned out to be if I had gone with
Ghsthk, Ghothk, or GstHwk!