Author Topic: Wednesday Night Snapshot 02/06 "Slug Fest"  (Read 699 times)

Offline 68Raptor

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Wednesday Night Snapshot 02/06 "Slug Fest"
« on: February 05, 2008, 05:15:58 PM »
Wednesday Night Snapshot
Event begins at 10PM EST
Special Events Arena

"Slug Fest"

By the summer of 1944 the Ninth Air Force had become a massive aerial sledgehammer made up of dozens of medium bomber and fighter-bomber groups that spent every good day making life miserable for the Wehrmacht. Most of the fighter-bomber groups were make up of the P-47. Targets included fuel and ammunition depots, bridges, motor transport, trains, bridges, airfields, and troop concentrations. Most of the work was low down and dirty with approaches at eight to twelve thousand feet followed by fast dives on the target and then a run for home. This Snapshot represents one of the thousands that may have taken place over France in the summer of 1944.

- Domenic DeNardo, Flying Aces


Country Percentages
~ 60% Allied
~ 40% Axis

Roll at Field A69

Orders: Allied orders are to destroy the supply train east of the radar factory at 12.7.4.

Restrictions: Allied AC must carry bombs.
Target must be hit within 30 minutes of rolling.

Me 109G6
Roll at Field A53

Orders: Defend supply train east of radar factory at 12.7.4

Restrictions: None

Victory Conditions
10 Points for each fighter
20 points for the train engine
5 points for each car on the supply train

Arena Settings
- Terrain Rhine
- Fuel 1.0
- Icons short
- Ack .3
- Fighter and Bomber warning range 42,240 (about 8 miles)
- Tower range set to 53,000 (for display only to match the above setting)
- Radar off
- Friendly collisions off
- Killshooter off
- Winds None
- Clouds / visibility 7 miles
- Time: 11 AM
- Friendly collisions off
- Enemy collisions on

Designer Notes

CM Notes

Design By
James 'daddog' Glazier
Executive Officer
68th Lighting Lancers