Author Topic: VMF-251 AAR for 2/1/08  (Read 218 times)

Offline Saxman

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VMF-251 AAR for 2/1/08
« on: February 02, 2008, 01:09:53 AM »
Honestly, this mission sucked. You'll see why at the very end, along with my comments on it

Date of Action: February 1, 2008
Base of Operations: A25
Division Assignment: EA Delta

VMF-251 rolled from A25 at 2300 to provide Close Air Support for Engagement Area Delta. Took off NE and made right-hand turn to course 270, climbing to 2500ft. Viper61 of 325th Checkertails provided forward air control and spotting for 251 and ground units.

Proceeded west to edge of sector 11.10, then turned 315 towards engagement area. Adjusted course to 330 and made contact with allied tanks. Squadron vectored towards Panzers rolling on southern flank by Viper 61. VMF-251 turned in and engaged.

Maj. Wyatt released bombs at 2322 and destroyed one Panzer, and one M-3. Made rocket attack on second run and destroyed second M-3. Capt. Morgan destroyed additional M-3 at 2323. Wyatt destroyed M-8 at 2325. Morgan added another Panzer at 2326.

Made additional strafing runs, then turned SE to withdraw. After reports of enemy fighters in the area. Encountered Bf-109s along exit vector. Escort overwhelmed and 251 overtaken. Morgan shot down at 2328. Wyatt shot down at 2329. Capt. MEF4UD shot down at 2329. Sgt. Bodie shot down 2329.


The odd thing is, the enemy fighters somehow managed to arrive at the fight on our planned EGRESS route southEAST of the EA and cut us off (on the opposite side of the engagement area from their approach, otherwise we may have been able to withdraw. Instead we flew right smack into them). And of course, even though we were rtb for our chance to up fighters, they blew right through our escort to pick off the four Il-2s. :p

I think this is one of the weakest points of this FSO: That in order to get to use their second life, the poor attack guys with the big targets painted on their butts had to

1) Successfully be able to get INTO target and make their attacks (ok, this we managed)

2) Successfully get OUT again and evade enemy fighters DROOLING over the easy pickings (this we didn't. Because we're big, slow, lumbering, and the bad guys ignored our escorts to dog-pile us while we were out of ammo. I SWEAR each of us had 3-4 109s all over us, despite the presence of friendly fighters who were otherwise ignored).

I think requiring the attack pilots to have to land to be able to use their "second life" was a bit too much to expect. IMO if second lives are being offered for guys with the suicidal assignments they shouldn't have to SURVIVE the kamikaze run to cash it in.

Small wonder the attack birds were only sparsely used this campaign. :rolleyes:
Ron White says you can't fix stupid. I beg to differ. Stupid will usually sort itself out, it's just a matter of making sure you're not close enough to become collateral damage.