Just a quick note to EW & MW arenas.
Our squadron is reasonably new. Squadron personnel not so new (
you could even say used lol). As CO I was with the LTAR's for 5-6 years, AW before that. Officers were LTAR as well.......all of which looking for something better.
And ya know what.......we did find something better. We've been working out in the EW & MW arenas, and low and behold, you can actually find "Good Fights", good pilots..........an exercise in skill. Oh you still have your NOOBs that want to HO ya, ya still have the friendly "200" smack talk, but overall what ya have is SA flying. I've even had some tell me what I did wrong
We may be small in force, however we're trying to grow, and recruit personnel to our standards (which my standards are high). Regardless, my hat is off to the players of EW & MW, for me, as a GV'er from WAY Back, yall are helping me become a better pilot, not to mention the rest of my squad.
If ever there's anything I, or we, can do for any of you, I'm as close as a PM.