Author Topic: Problem Making Movie With WMM  (Read 623 times)

Offline DoNKeY

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Problem Making Movie With WMM
« Reply #15 on: December 14, 2007, 12:04:29 AM »
Actually now its working, so I'm guessing I didn't have enough recourses for some reason when it was first playing?

Anyway I'll put it up soon so you can all see it.

Thanks for the help.


Offline Jappa52

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Problem Making Movie With WMM
« Reply #16 on: February 04, 2008, 03:08:55 PM »
Donkey – I am having a similar problem with my wmm.  Looks fine when I play it back in wmm but when I save it, resize the preview screen in wmm, or add the clips to the storyline the quality goes down the drain.  It’s blurry to the point where you can’t tell what is happening.  Bit frustrating…

Do you remember what you did to fix this?

Thx- Jappa

Jappa52- 36th FIGHTER SQ Flying Fiends