You could always take the approach I do to city strat bombing. I fly nothing but AR234's.
A flight of 3 AR234's at 16K and 415 mph inbound to target and 470 mph outbound aren't likely to be killed, even in the highest density enemy areas, although it does happen from time to time.
Normally I end up around the top 10-15 with a 600-700 hit %, very few deaths (mostly in goons), and therefore very high damage per death and decent damage per sortie numbers (usually in the top 100 of both stats). You can score 250-350,000 points per run if you hit the target right and take anywhere from 17-35% (normally ~25%) of a city down in 1 pass at full speed.
As an added bonus, if you are chased, it's usually by a 262 and I've gotten to wound one (smoked an engine) and kill another over the past few months with my tail guns

Of course, the Lunkcasters score better but flight time is vastly increased and the chances of being shot down are much higher.