Hmmm chest thumping..... nope havent seen any of that!! The party of the first part keeps refering to chest thumping. the only one i know, that does that is Kong, and hes got good reason too, he's a freaking monkey!!
as for anyone else, i dont see any of that on 200. ive never see, "I'm better then you". i have seen words like dweeb, ackosphere, ganging and a few other on 200.
Listen boys and think about it. Any time you put all this testosterone in one place you're always gonna find someone who thinks hes better, stronger, smarter, faster, etc, then anyone else.
I belong to a large gunclub and im an active executive board member. i see it all the time at our meetings. this game is no different.
theres always gonna be the name calling, the whining, the "I am mightier then thou" attitude.
you have several choices:
1. you can get a thicker skin and put up with it
2. you can get really good and shoot down the clown that keeps making fun of you all the time so he'll stop talking trash.
3. you can squelch someone
4. you can not monitor 200 at all
5. you can quit the arena.
all of the above are choices. pick one and lets end this incensent whining!! be a man and for gods sake, leave JG54's LuLu alone!!!