Originally posted by wrag
If this be true this be NOT GOOD!
Are you kidding me??? In the 04 election, he tried to join the left wing party and be john kerry's running mate. They wouldnt let him because he wanted to be the left wing speaker. I understand that he has a good plan for the war on terror but he is AN IDIOT! Bush kept our country together when we were at war and kept our taxes down, McCain is gonna raise our taxes by like 15-35%.............
Oh and laz, in 04 he and a hard core left wing socialist went and basically took our freedom of speech away....through the media. Now american people cant post thier own commercials saying that someone is a bad person or saying that someone is really a good persong........... John McCain also thinks that the left wing media is on his side, wrong, they will eat him alive if its him and hillary or him and obama. He just doesnt know it, if its him and obama, i will vote obama, because atleast a democrat can **** our country up and then get a good conservative like Romney to run our country and lower taxes......etc. All runningmates are idiots, its just how would you like our country to be messed up?? With a republican for 4 years AND then a democrat for 4 years?? Thats 8 years of higher taxes, less military, less jobs.......OR we can get a bad democrat for 4 years (ONLY if its obama, cuz hillary will do it all and then make it worse, obama will be like jimmy carter if he is elected) AND then we can get like romney to go and help our country and lower taxes and make the people realize what they had done 4 years before in the 08 elections for voting for a democrat.