Author Topic: DoJ on Heller...  (Read 2560 times)

Offline AKIron

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DoJ on Heller...
« Reply #15 on: February 17, 2008, 11:06:00 AM »
I think there are two reasons why some want to eliminate handguns and possibly all firearms. For some of these people only one of these reasons apply, for the others, the second reason applies but they will never admit to it.

The only reason for eliminating private ownership of firearms that anyone will ever admit to is to take guns from criminals and children. These are the same people who place safety above all else including freedom. They are the ones that make seatbelt, bicycle helmets, various types of censorship, and gun control mandatory.

The other people are more devious in their motivation and want full control of the populace with less chance for revolt by citizens who feel powerless.

IMO there have been decades of encroachment on our second amendment right. Those who fear an individual right ruling by the SCOTUS are fully justified in fearing the undoing of this encroachment.
Here we put salt on Margaritas, not sidewalks.

Offline Bingolong

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DoJ on Heller...
« Reply #16 on: February 17, 2008, 12:29:13 PM »
Originally posted by lazs2
bingie.. admitting that it is indeed an individual right is the first step.  It is an important step and one that needs to be out there to protect our other "rights"

You spend pages saying it was not an individual right.. it seems your supporters are retreating on that.   I read a lot of the "briefs" (anything but).

They are interesting.. the anti gun rights nuts have a common theme.. they are saying that handguns are just evil.  they miss a lot of common sense.   Would you rather be shot by a homeowner with a handgun or a rifle or shotgun?

They get all mixed up.. they talk about handguns on the street and then mix that up with handguns in the home.  They are desperate and most of the arguements are countered many times and are for the most part irrelevant to the case in question.   They sound like they are begging in many cases.


 hahaha talk about mix ups guess these guys/gals/its have jummped ship:O
Go Team eh Lazie? :lol  Gay gun toatin commies:rofl

Once more the militia? That is what I spent pages on. You spent pages trying to tell me who I was and how I thought  haha

Offline lazs2

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« Reply #17 on: February 18, 2008, 10:24:01 AM »
You are pretty funny bingie.  

generalizations are just that...  they work tho because the majority (generally) the groups do such and such.

Jewish people in the US are liberal.. this is a generalization... it is like saying negros vote for democrats.   It is true most of the time.

Of the liberal jews.. a small group is in support of firearms rights.   same for gays.

In any case.. we are off track explaining the obvious.   generally liberals are anything but when it comes to gun rights and they are anti individual rights when it comes to... at least the second amendment of the Bill of Rights.

You do not appear to be able to see the forest for the trees.

In any case.. it is heartwarming that so few of the hand wringers are using the "collective right" BS that you espouse so much.

They know it is a loser.


Offline Bingolong

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DoJ on Heller...
« Reply #18 on: February 18, 2008, 11:23:57 AM »
Originally posted by lazs2
You are pretty funny bingie.  

generalizations are just that...  they work tho because the majority (generally) the groups do such and such.

Jewish people in the US are liberal.. this is a generalization... it is like saying negros vote for democrats.   It is true most of the time.

Of the liberal jews.. a small group is in support of firearms rights.   same for gays.

In any case.. we are off track explaining the obvious.   generally liberals are anything but when it comes to gun rights and they are anti individual rights when it comes to... at least the second amendment of the Bill of Rights.

You do not appear to be able to see the forest for the trees.

In any case.. it is heartwarming that so few of the hand wringers are using the "collective right" BS that you espouse so much.

They know it is a loser.


 Please show me the land of JEW. You seam to be mixed up again lazie. Jewish is a faith. how about Christians, buhdists, Hindus's and countless other religions around the world, all having different stances. Most religions don't care for guns.
I wonder if other countries call us the Christew's?

You still wont answer will you, you know why? because in almost every brief the militia is mentioned as either not meeting the standard of militia or because being in a militia allows me my right to a gun.

you still think the militia will have nothing to do with the case?

I will say if your boys the DOJ gets its way, the fight will just go on. as for my lefty friends your wrong again. I will be wasting my vote for my beliefs on Ron Paul if he still in there.

espouse? you have a short memory. I'm for the 2nd for the umpteenth time. like I have said many time's ...point me too the line where i can get my F-22, my Abrams, my Stinger Missiles and my M-16. OH ... I'm sorry I know where the line is .... the military or the national guard.

the Doj explains what happened the militia as I have nauseam . How come you can't seam to get your brain around it? They way you do is to say "they should never have put that part in there". Well its there and it is the reason you have a gun.

Offline lazs2

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DoJ on Heller...
« Reply #19 on: February 19, 2008, 10:04:05 AM »
bingie..  most of the briefs I have read say that the right is there even if the miltia did not exist.  that it was common in those days to simply give an example of why a right needed to be protected.. that did not make the example exclusive in the least.

jew?  are you saying that there are no groups in the US who consider themselves jews and that they are not predominantly liberal and anti gun and pro socialism?   now who is being dense?

As for you being pro second amendment..   with friends like you... I'll stick with my enemies.

Your idea is that without a militia.. we have no right.. and the militia is only the government... which equals.. no "right" at all.   the "right" for the government to arm itself is no right..  england had the same right.. look how "friends" of their right made that turn out.

you are no friend to the right of the people to keep and bear arms.   You are a friend of governments right to tell us if we can have em or not..  that is how englands gun "right" bill was written.


Offline Jackal1

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DoJ on Heller...
« Reply #20 on: February 19, 2008, 10:49:31 AM »
When the government is taken away from the people and becomes a totalitarian entity of it`s own it aquires a new name, the enemy.
I`m just wondering that if and when such case comes to be, for those of us who believe in the constitution as it was written and the 2nd,  how they plan on dealing with all of us outlaws.

Of course freedom can just be given away.
Democracy is two wolves deciding on what to eat. Freedom is a well armed sheep protesting the vote.

Offline bsdaddict

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DoJ on Heller...
« Reply #21 on: February 20, 2008, 12:01:59 PM »
Originally posted by Jackal1
I`m just wondering that if and when such case comes to be, for those of us who believe in the constitution as it was written and the 2nd,  how they plan on dealing with all of us outlaws.

FEMA camps, REX-84, The Homegrown Terrorism Act, etc, etc...  I think the answer to your question is obvious.
« Last Edit: February 20, 2008, 12:05:56 PM by bsdaddict »

Offline Jackal1

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« Reply #22 on: February 20, 2008, 12:54:36 PM »
Originally posted by bsdaddict

FEMA camps, REX-84, The Homegrown Terrorism Act, etc, etc...  I think the answer to your question is obvious.

Maybe......but I don`t think so.
At least I hope that their are enough left that have the nads to stand the F up.
That would take quite a following to have a chance if carried to the fullest.
From what I see most of the very people that are in place now to do our bidding, both military and law enforcement would not stand for freedom to be taken away to this point. They are certainly not bound to do anyone.
Then you have the crazies as we are called by the hand wringing liberals who are willing to give up freedom and personal rights at the drop of a hat.
Most of us  crazies are just crazy enough to believe in the 2nd and the Constitution as it was written. There are a great, great many.
At least we can be secure in the fact that we are not the first.
There were them old crazy cats who designed and wrote it to begin with. :)
It`s just a question of how far the chipping will be allowed to go on.
That`s the dangerous point.
« Last Edit: February 20, 2008, 12:57:19 PM by Jackal1 »
Democracy is two wolves deciding on what to eat. Freedom is a well armed sheep protesting the vote.

Offline bsdaddict

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DoJ on Heller...
« Reply #23 on: February 20, 2008, 01:05:43 PM »
Originally posted by Jackal1
Maybe......but I don`t think so.
At least I hope that their are enough left that have the nads to stand the F up.
I hope so to, but I'm not seeing any evidence that makes me confident in that hope.  Was there an uprising, or even any resistance, to the gun grab in New Orleans?  Lots of *****ing and moaning, but no one took a stand.  We're frogs in a pot, the water's getting hotter and hotter and yet We the People stand idly by.  'Nads?  Any patriot with the 'nads to stand up to an injustice in recent history gets slandered by the press and painted as a kook, if he's lucky.  If he's unlucky the fedgov just kills 'em.

Offline wrag

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DoJ on Heller...
« Reply #24 on: February 20, 2008, 01:46:21 PM »
Originally posted by Bingolong
Please show me the land of JEW. You seam to be mixed up again lazie. Jewish is a faith. how about Christians, buhdists, Hindus's and countless other religions around the world, all having different stances. Most religions don't care for guns.
I wonder if other countries call us the Christew's?

You still wont answer will you, you know why? because in almost every brief the militia is mentioned as either not meeting the standard of militia or because being in a militia allows me my right to a gun.

you still think the militia will have nothing to do with the case?

I will say if your boys the DOJ gets its way, the fight will just go on. as for my lefty friends your wrong again. I will be wasting my vote for my beliefs on Ron Paul if he still in there.

espouse? you have a short memory. I'm for the 2nd for the umpteenth time. like I have said many time's ...point me too the line where i can get my F-22, my Abrams, my Stinger Missiles and my M-16. OH ... I'm sorry I know where the line is .... the military or the national guard.

the Doj explains what happened the militia as I have nauseam . How come you can't seam to get your brain around it? They way you do is to say "they should never have put that part in there". Well its there and it is the reason you have a gun.

Here I think you stepped on your pee pee!

There is a RACE known as Jew.

Hitler worked very hard to destroy that RACE.

It is NOT just a religion!

There really is a RACE known as the Jews.

The Romans got very upset with them.  As did several other conquerors of their land.

As to their land?  How about Israel?  Which was basically DESTROYED by Rome  back around 66AD and was only recently reformed/reborn/reestablished in 1948.
It's been said we have three brains, one cobbled on top of the next. The stem is first, the reptilian brain; then the mammalian cerebellum; finally the over developed cerebral cortex.  They don't work together in awfully good harmony - hence ax murders, mobs, and socialism.

Offline Bingolong

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Re: DoJ on Heller...
« Reply #25 on: March 10, 2008, 11:15:01 AM »

Here I think you stepped on your pee pee!

There is a RACE known as Jew.

Hitler worked very hard to destroy that RACE.

It is NOT just a religion!

There really is a RACE known as the Jews.

The Romans got very upset with them.  As did several other conquerors of their land.

As to their land?  How about Israel?  Which was basically DESTROYED by Rome  back around 66AD and was only recently reformed/reborn/reestablished in 1948.

 Two peoples called them JEW, the romans and the nazis. Jewish people from Israel. WHO took the land from the Canaanite's in 1300 BC. and held it for 1300 years. so the Israel's are just like our own Natives right? Give them this reservation? on there own land?

Least I CAN step on mine.
« Last Edit: March 10, 2008, 11:25:32 AM by Bingolong »

Offline Bingolong

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Re: DoJ on Heller...
« Reply #26 on: March 10, 2008, 11:20:05 AM »

Offline Bingolong

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Re: DoJ on Heller...
« Reply #27 on: March 10, 2008, 11:56:45 AM »

"jew?  are you saying that there are no groups in the US who consider themselves jews and that they are not predominantly liberal and anti gun and pro socialism?   now who is being dense?"

No... I am saying who would like to be called a name that only people that have only tried to destroy the existence of the Jewish race? Seams like a swear word to me. Its not JEW its Jewish. I no you dont like long names, but really do you need to be disrespectful?.
Not commenting on there gun beliefs.

"As for you being pro second amendment..   with friends like you... I'll stick with my enemies."

As you wish.... like I have said before, the intent that you prescribe too was lost long ago pal. if you think you can over run the goverenment with your kimber or you snub nose ... more too ya. As it is, the only thing you need your guns for IS for your own protection. Show me where it says that in the constitution.?

"Your idea is that without a militia.. we have no right.. and the militia is only the government... which equals.. no "right" at all.   the "right" for the government to arm itself is no right..  england had the same right.. look how "friends" of their right made that turn out."

It's your government Laz, they make the rules, only a Police state will not allow you to have the same weapons as the government? Where we fall apart is around 1903 when the militia turned into the NG. The constitution says we are supposed to be equal to the military as the military is the Organized militia. As you say.. we are supposed to be the unorganized militia. In the constitution it does not make a distinction among the two. How come we cant have all the cool toys batman? WHY?....... Because the laws have changed.

"you are no friend to the right of the people to keep and bear arms.   You are a friend of governments right to tell us if we can have em or not..  that is how englands gun "right" bill was written."

You are just wrong here.. like usual

« Last Edit: March 10, 2008, 12:11:42 PM by Bingolong »

Offline Charon

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Re: DoJ on Heller...
« Reply #28 on: March 10, 2008, 01:54:17 PM »
No... I am saying who would like to be called a name that only people that have only tried to destroy the existence of the Jewish race? Seams like a swear word to me. Its not JEW its Jewish. I no you dont like long names, but really do you need to be disrespectful?.
Not commenting on there gun beliefs.

I don't know about that. My Jewish wife and her Jewish friends use the word "Jew" all the time when talking about individuals, or Jews for some groups of individuals or Jewish if appropriate. Example: "Yeah he's a Jew... You didn't know that?" or "It's a Jew thing... (should be grammatically Jewish though)" or "I didn't know there were Jews in Tulsa." or, as one of my wife's friends stated at dinner one night, before I corrected her: "Jews don't join the military." (In her defense, sort of, she grew up in the upscale north shore area of Chicago where virtually nobody joins the military, Jews perhaps somewhat less but probably not significantly so. A friend of hers actually is an Army Doctor and proud to wear the uniform.)

Do you hang out with any Jews?


Offline Bingolong

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Re: DoJ on Heller...
« Reply #29 on: March 10, 2008, 02:16:24 PM »
I don't know about that. My Jewish wife and her Jewish friends use the word "Jew" all the time when talking about individuals, or Jews for some groups of individuals or Jewish if appropriate. Example: "Yeah he's a Jew... You didn't know that?" or "It's a Jew thing... (should be grammatically Jewish though)" or "I didn't know there were Jews in Tulsa." or, as one of my wife's friends stated at dinner one night, before I corrected her: "Jews don't join the military." (In her defense, sort of, she grew up in the upscale north shore area of Chicago where virtually nobody joins the military, Jews perhaps somewhat less but probably not significantly so. A friend of hers actually is an Army Doctor and proud to wear the uniform.)

Do you hang out with any Jews?


Some negros call themselves the N word... SO? does that make it okay for U?