Author Topic: Frame 2 AAR's AXIS side  (Read 578 times)

Offline Viper61

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Frame 2 AAR's AXIS side
« on: February 23, 2008, 01:17:05 AM »
325th AAR:

  325th lead a strike package from A70 to grid 6 12 to sink ALLIED ships.  Strike package was made up of 325th in 190's heavy, 169th in G-6's heavy and 55th in G-6s heavy.  Total in strike package was about 25 planes (50 points).

  Plan was to swing wide around the suspected ALLIED defensive positions to the north and come in from the flank of GRID 6 12.  Target altitude would be 23K for the 190's and 20K for the G-6's.  All planes would carry ORD's and some would get through to sink the ships.  190's had primary mission and G-6's would escort, scout and break up any ALLIED defenders.

  Points:  Knowing that the ALLIES could lose more points in destroyed ships then the AXIS could lose in destroyed planes made for a mission in which returning wasn't required as long as at least 2 ships were sunk (50 points).

  Made contact early with 2 scouting 51's near grid 8 14 4.  51's left us alone we knew they must be scouts and we called it in.  Main 51 element (8 planes) passed us near grid 7 14 6 and again passed us by and we called that in.  Route worked well and we got around in to the north of grid 6 12 at (6 14 5).  Our G-6 scouts found the ships at 6 12 7 and everyone attacked within 3 minutes at about H+35.  BDA was all 3 ships destroyed (1X CA, 2 X DD's).  General RTB followed.  About half of the element survived only to be picked off one by one about half way home by a squad of F-6's.  In the end only 3 of the 12 of the 325th RTB'ed and towered.  Not sure how the other squads faired.

  What worked:
       Made an Op Ord that the strike package read and understood.
       Great comms had all 3 CO's on one channel.
       Great coordination in the tower prior to lift off.
       Good route around the enemy positions.
       Good SA around the element and no surprise attacks.
       Good calls on fuel conservation by all as fuel vs. range were very tight.
       Good pilots that held their ORDs early on even when in contact.
       Scouts located ALLIED ships quickly and gave exact location.
       Good dive bombing attacks in German planes and many hits were made on the first pass.
       ALLIED ships were attacked one at a time until sunk to ensure they were sunk and not damaged.  Targets were identified and called out, all followed down one by one generally line a stern.
       Had pilots set convergence to 650 to aid in gunning down the ships with cannons which seemed to help on second passes.

Good frame for the 325th.  Good plan.  Lots of action.  Great frame set up.  Looking forward to Frame 3.

  Dantoo AXIS CIC - Good, simple plan and you provided enough assists to complete the mission.
  to the 169th
  to the 55th
  Both great squads to work with and they got the 325th to the target without a scratch!

Viper 61
Operations Officer
325th VFG

Offline APDrone

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Re: Frame 2 AAR's AXIS side
« Reply #1 on: February 23, 2008, 02:14:40 PM »
Originally posted by Viper61
325th AAR:


  Points:  Knowing that the ALLIES could lose more points in destroyed ships then the AXIS could lose in destroyed planes made for a mission in which returning wasn't required as long as at least 2 ships were sunk (50 points).



I understand the math.. and from a win/lose perspective, your analysis sounds correct.

However, the 'destroyed planes' represents lives lost, consolidations of personal effects, and letters written to loved ones.  I do think that it is important to make every reasonble effort to return to base to fight again.

Granted, there have been times where I haven't followed that religiously.. still.. to see it in writing just seems.. well... wrong.

Scenario "Masters of the Air" X.O. 100th Bombardment Group

Offline Joker312

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Re: Re: Frame 2 AAR's AXIS side
« Reply #2 on: February 24, 2008, 09:59:23 AM »
Originally posted by APDrone
Granted, there have been times where I haven't followed that religiously.. still.. to see it in writing just seems.. well... wrong.

   Drone makes a good point that I happen to agree with.

   I think it detracts from the overall intent of FSO when the "Kamakize" tactic is encouraged by the need to win. The problem is that its diffucult to assign a point value to a "virtual life" How can the CM's design an event the assigns a point value that realistically depict the cost of a high value target and the virutal life.

   I dont have the answer.  

   In the past (I have participated in FSO's since 2002) it was the players that chose to make an attempt to carry out their mission and RTB. In some cases that meant that targets were not hit and and some did not see any "action". We have evolved to a point where the rules state that targets must to be hit within a certian time (usually start frame +60 minutes) or there is a penalty. This rule makes it necessary to make a decision between normal tactics and "Kamakize" tactics.

   Like I said, I dont have an answer. A possible solution could be to reduce the type aircraft used. For instance if the side gets 32 P51's and loses 20 then next frame they only get 22. This creates other issues though. It may have the effect of keeping away players that only want to fly specific aircraft, which in turn causes lower levels of particapation in FSO.

  Or maybe assign higher values to the cost of each virtual life.

  Its a tough choice for the designers of these events.

  This is not a whine btw, just my own obsevations.
« Last Edit: February 24, 2008, 10:03:58 AM by Joker312 »
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Offline daddog

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Frame 2 AAR's AXIS side
« Reply #3 on: February 24, 2008, 11:53:46 AM »
332nd Flying Mongrels had a pretty good night.
16 kills
8 assists
4 deaths

We lost who had to ditch due to a hill very near the rearm pad we used at our field. All 3 pilots broke their wings on that hill. I have a request into the engineers to get out the buldozers and move it back about 20 yards.

We had about 10 pilots in the Me-110 and the rest of us were in the F1-190A5. We worked with the Damned, 5th AirForce, and the Hellcat FG and we were all assigned to protect the Task Group in the 10.15 area. Not sure who made the successful drop, but some high P-51's snuck in past our defensive screen and made it to the fleet. Hats off to you guys. I really was surprised you got it because we had a LOT of fighters up and had the North, West, and South covered.

Here are a couple screen shots some of you might enjoy.

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332nd Flying Mongrels
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Offline 68falcon

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Frame 2 AAR's AXIS side
« Reply #4 on: February 24, 2008, 03:25:30 PM »
The successful was the 347th FG/68th Lightning Lancers.
We had an air start out of A21 N which had us at angels 20 in sector 6,17,5. Once formed up we truned SE to target area 10,15,5. 10 P51Bs with 2 500lb. bombs and 4 Mossies 4 500 lb. bombs. As we entered 10,15,6 the P51s called boogies 9 O,clock and high. Vectored the 347th due south to avoid contact with enemy, as per orders. Entered 10,15,4/1 and turned NE, nose on 10/15/5. Shortly after the turn 51s called boogies 12 o'clock co-alt.
Turned north and had all Mossies dive to 10K. Leveled off 10K and spotted ships at my 1 o'clock. Simulataneously Nefari called out the ships and verified the Tripitz. 347th commenced attack run, Nefari first to confirm hits on Tripitz ,22:26:20, was followed very closely by the rest of the 347th scoring multiple hits. 68Raptor had confirmation of ship destroyed at 22:26:35. All told from begining of the attack on the Tripitz  to "ship destroyed" was 15 seconds. A commendable job by the 347th FG/68th Lightning Lancers.

Unfortunately most of these galant pilots where lost to enemy fighter cover that caught them low and attempting to rtb to the west
« Last Edit: February 24, 2008, 03:29:10 PM by 68falcon »
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68th Lightning Lancers
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Offline Husky01

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Frame 2 AAR's AXIS side
« Reply #5 on: February 24, 2008, 04:10:47 PM »
Army Of Muppets had a pretty good night as well.
Pilots: 9    
Kills: 23    
Assists: 18
Deaths: 5    

We lifted out of A71, and were order to vector to 8,9 and kill everything by our selfs while clearing the way for dantoos bomber group. Around T+30 we ran into a group of medium alt F6Fs and decided just to fallow them around hoping that they would lead us to the TG and the main pack of defenders. Turned out they lead us right to both of them. We ended up furballing for a good 30 min with about 30 F6Fs I think it was. After we killed/chased off the few remaining F6Fs we flew back to 71 to rearm and await orders. When we got back we where told that the 2 ships where still up in the TG but that they where soft. We where  asked to try and strafe them down if we could. So I believe what was 5 of us lifted back out in search for the task group. We found the task group and where preparing for our strafing runs when give or take 10 F4Fs came out of nowhere and pretty much finished us off. Although 2 of us where lucky enough to escape and make it back home. Overall was a great night packed with action.