Reading these makes me realize how much i love this game. Everyone has a different story!! Might be same tale of a same event, but from a different point of view.
Another one of my all time favorites, and this was a couple years ago, was when i was with the 31st Bomber Barons. I was bored one day and decided to put together a squad co-op in bishland. To make a LONG story short, after about a month of planning, we had around 15 Bish squads working together at once. We started the night with a HUGE B-17 raid with a P-51B escorts cuz of ENY killed our P-51D and flattened the entire front "was like 10 bases and about 3 or 4 bases deep. The clostest fields to the front were a good 3 sectors away! Within 3 hours, we took like 30 some odd bases. IF i remember right, there was close to 400 bish on at that time!! Towards the end of the night, we began to worry about only being able to up A6M2/P-40Bs because of ENY!! All the Knights began to log off because there was no bases enabled to fly from!
I put together another one about a month later against the Rooks, but didnt quite have the same success due to lack of squads participating, was around 10 squads by then because it wasnt a popular night for whatever reason!!
We all love AH for one reason or another, weather it be historical fights, unbelieveable kills, making great friends or whatever!! We all have a story to tell and i love reading about them! So keep em coming!!
By the way....What about Bettys bomber mission?? Someone tell me!!
DGS seemed to be a fun Scenario. Wish i could have been there, waited 7 years for that one, but because i was moving, i was unable to attend. Anyone have screen shots from it??