6 years total term limit - elections every year
after the politicians get through dreaming them up and with tinkering with them,and gets signed by the President, every bill must be voted on at large by the general populations and require at least 75% of the votes to pass and become law.
every law made can be repealed by at large by the general populations with at least 26% of the votes to repeal. requires 10 signatures of 10 different persons to be placed on the ballot to be considered for repeal.
a person must be born and live in the district of the office to be elected to the office by at large general population of that district with majority rules.
----b. Require that Senators and Congressmen stay in their districts and telecommute their legislative duties.
require the salaries of all the offices to be voted on at large by write-in once a year, majority rules.
require all politicians to turn their pensions acquired in office over to the Social Security Administration and get the same as the rest when it gets doled out.
repeal all of the Federal drug and gun laws.
repeal any and all laws at all levels that violate the Constitution of The United States.
enforce the heck out of Title 18 United States Code section 242.
require every citizen over the age of 18 to carry a firearm of some type. exception those currently in a mental institution or currently incarcerated for crimes. after they are released, they are rearmed.
require every citizen over the age of 18 to be deputized as a law enforcement officer. exception those currently in a mental institution or currently incarcerated for crimes. after they are released, they are redeputized.
require every citizen over the age of 18 to be combat ready in case of invasion or war.
require the immediate executions of criminals caught red handed.
work to make the tax code simple. 10% income tax no deductions type of thing or national sales tax only. leaning to national sales tax. at least have choice whether to buy or not.
I could go on with more. in general
Bring the Constitution back to the forefront and make congress abide by it.
enforce 18 U.S.C. section 242 more vigorously.