Yes'sir, that toadkil1 account was merely temporary until i could get a better name, And my 3rd 2 week trial
once it ran out i just went a while w/o anything then for some reason i got drawn back in, and JV was the first group that i flew with because i couldn't find others online, just so happens that i got baited back in for the FSO. I might be hanging on our former glory, but we might make a comeback, who knows.
I will openly apologize for disappearing on you guys, but with me that should be expected if i get unhappy enough with the game. Its just the way i am. I'd still love to fly with you guys some times Your a great bunch, except for that jeb guy.
If any of your guys want to fly an FSO event and can commit to being there for the weekends, I'd love to get some of you guys into it if you haven't been.