Author Topic: TrackIR...Any Good Profiles?  (Read 500 times)

Offline Warspawn

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TrackIR...Any Good Profiles?
« on: July 30, 2008, 06:06:42 PM »
Hey hey!

Finally took the plunge and LOVE it!  Unfortunately, the view with the LED/Headset gets kinda squirrelly, so I went to the reflectors on a baseball cap.

I'm having a problem looking behind me; the view gets reversed some how when i lean one way the view goes opposite.  Does anyone have a good profile or set up they wouldn't mind sharing?

Purple haze all in my brain
Lately things just don't seem the same
Actin' funny, but I don't know why

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                                                 --J. Hendrix

Offline Bino

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Re: TrackIR...Any Good Profiles?
« Reply #1 on: July 31, 2008, 12:44:52 PM »
Here's what I grabbed from the NaturalPoint web site and then tweaked (only very slightly):

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?>

<Name>Aces High profile</Name>

<Notes>This is a test profile created by Charlie from
www.virtualflightproductions. com for the TrackIR Vector
tutorial. This will demonstrate how to make a custom speed curve
that is progressive in nature and also has a good sized
dead zone.





<Axis Type="0" Enabled="1" Inverted="0" CurveType="5">
<CurveData p0="16" p1="14" p2="11" p3="7" p4="4" p5="1" p6="0" p7="0" p8="0" p9="1" p10="4" p11="7" p12="11" p13="14" 14="16">
</CurveData> </Axis>

<Axis Type="1" Enabled="1" Inverted="0" CurveType="5">
<CurveData p0="16" p1="14" p2="11" p3="7" p4="4" p5="1" p6="0" p7="0" p8="0" p9="1" p10="4" p11="7" p12="11" p13="14" p14="16">
</CurveData> </Axis>

<Axis Type="2" Enabled="1" Inverted="0" CurveType="5">
<CurveData p0="16" p1="14" p2="11" p3="7" p4="4" p5="1" p6="0" p7="0" p8="0" p9="1" p10="4" p11="7" p12="11" p13="14" p14="16">
</CurveData> </Axis>

<Axis Type="3" Enabled="1" Inverted="0" CurveType="5">
<CurveData p0="16" p1="14" p2="11" p3="7" p4="4" p5="1" p6="0" p7="0" p8="0" p9="1" p10="4" p11="7" p12="11" p13="14" p14="16">
</CurveData> </Axis>

<Axis Type="4" Enabled="1" Inverted="0" CurveType="5">
<CurveData p0="16" p1="14" p2="11" p3="7" p4="4" p5="1" p6="0" p7="0" p8="0" p9="1" p10="4" p11="7" p12="11" p13="14" p14="16">
</CurveData> </Axis>

<Axis Type="5" Enabled="1" Inverted="0" CurveType="5">
<CurveData p0="16" p1="14" p2="11" p3="7" p4="4" p5="1" p6="0" p7="0" p8="0" p9="1" p10="4" p11="7" p12="11" p13="14" p14="16">
</CurveData> </Axis>

<Key Type="0" virtualKeyCode="123" Enable="1" Toggle="1" Trap="1" Device="{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}"></Key>
<Key Type="1" virtualKeyCode="120" Enable="1" Toggle="1" Trap="1" Device="{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}"></Key>
<Key Type="2" virtualKeyCode="119" Enable="0" Toggle="0" Trap="0" Device="{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}"></Key>


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Offline Bino

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Re: TrackIR...Any Good Profiles?
« Reply #2 on: July 31, 2008, 12:48:10 PM »
As for the view suddenly flipping into reverse:

1.) keep your reflectors at least 24" away from the TrackIR sending unit

2.) Keep your reflectors within the sending unit's field of view

Plus, I often re-center the TrackIR during flight.  YMMV   ;)


"The plural of 'anecdote' is not 'data'." - Randy Pausch

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Offline Mace2004

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Re: TrackIR...Any Good Profiles?
« Reply #3 on: August 07, 2008, 06:36:45 AM »
To fix the rear view problems turn "Trueview" off in TIR (upper right hand corner of your profile window) and in AH make sure "TrackIR Object Relative Move" is also off.  The relative move option is in AH's "view options" menu.  Here's a short part from a writeup I've done on TIR.  See if this matches the problem your having:

Translation Problems:
There are two situations you may see involving translations. In both of these situations rotation works fine, i.e., you rotate your head left and look up and your view rotates left and up; however, sometimes there is a problem with how TIR and AH work together to handle translations. There are two possible ways for TIR and AH to interpret this type of movement.  Relative to your viewing angle (i.e., the direction you’re looking) or your aircraft (as if you’re sitting still and looking forward).  You want it to be relative to the direction you’re looking. When translations are correctly referenced movements appear to go in the direction you would expect. Say you're looking forward and slide your head to the left. Your head position slides toward the left side of the plane just as you’d expect. When you turn around and look out your six and slide your head to the left it should again move to the left relative to your view. In other words, since in the game you're turned around looking behind the plane, moving your head left means your in-game head would actually move toward the RIGHT side of the plane. Makes sense doesn’t it? The problem arises when TIR and AH decide that all translations should be done relative to the airplane instead of the direction you’re looking. TIR acts as if you're always looking forward and any time you slide your head to the left it will move toward the left side of the plane, even if you’re looking behind you. So, look forward and slide left and everything looks fine but look out your six and slide left and your in-game head appears to move right since a left translation will always move your head toward the left side of the airplane as if you're looking forward. Even stranger, if you’re looking back and move your head backwards to get farther away from the headrest your head actually moves toward the headrest, sound confusing?  It is!  If this is happening to you, first make sure that both TrueView and TrackIR Object Relative Move are OFF.  If your rear views are fine you're good to go, if they're not then turn only TrueView ON and this should fix the problem. I’ve never seen a reason to have AH's TrackIR Object Relative Move turned on. You could leave TrueView OFF and turn TrackIR Object Relative Move ON but for some reason it appears to disable the latest TIR movement algorithms so I don’t recommend it.
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