No argument from me, Bodhi
999 can vouch for my "bombing ethics" dive bombing em in here. I actually climb to a nosebleed altitude, plot a long course and usually have someone flying escort.
Then, I load the coffee maker, open the laptop and read FlyingMag online while the flight progreses
The folks who auger in buffs like that tick me off.
I'm all for hitting a strategic target to help the team along. I enjoy the challenge of trying to punch thru their defenses, if any bother to greet me. Usually they are all over the buffer, belly aching that a buff at 16k has been circling overhead, dropping on them with accuracy (much to my surprise!).
Usally these defenders get on my 6, stay there, slowly climbingh up to me, making for an awesome target. If I blast them, then they go on about the buff guns being over powered. (rolls eyes)
Fun times