Author Topic: YOUR best sortie  (Read 1914 times)

Offline MajIssue

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YOUR best sortie
« on: March 11, 2008, 10:24:58 AM »
I'll get the ball rolling.

Last night... Baltic map (ugh) the bish were in the process of taking back V38. The "bad guys" were spawning flack panzers into our air base on the other side of the Island. After getting killed twice (A-20 and B-25) to the same guy (I think it was dreamer9) I upped a 110 climed and pickeled both 500kg bombs, and killed him. By this time my squaddie SoonerMP let me know that the VHs were flat at 38 so I flew over there to help clear the base of GVs. Upon arrival there was Lusche in a TA-152, wreaking his usual havok on the 3 friendlys over the base. It was a beautiful display of E management... I wep'd up my 110 , dived and attempted to kill him while he was low with the A2A rockets on my 110 (unsuccessfully). He made a couple of turns and climbed out in front of me. I gave chase and to my surprise I closed to about 400 yards and fired a burst of 30mm into his 152. In flames he dived to evade with me on his six. He was pulling away on the deck when his FW exploded. Gave and received a <Salute>. Landed kills at the Vbase and got my name in lights. Logged out after that due to wife ack... best to end the night on a positive note!
X.O. False Prophets
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Offline VansCrew1

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Re: YOUR best sortie
« Reply #1 on: March 11, 2008, 10:33:41 AM »
One of the best sorties i would say had to be last night. I was in a 109K4 over the main furball island. I seen a C205(SubWayCH) thinking it would he a fast and easy kill. But we went at it for about 3 min. Was a great stall fight. After i killed the C2 i killed a P51 who was a noob. Then SubWayCH reups in a yak we go at it again for about another 2-3min. Between those two fights we did no HO. They were both great stall fights at about 12K. It was only 3 kills but two of the fights were great ones.
 :salute SubWayCH. Must do it again  :aok.
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Offline sunfan1121

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Re: YOUR best sortie
« Reply #2 on: March 11, 2008, 10:38:05 AM »
my best sortie hasent happened yet :(
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Offline Krusty

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Re: YOUR best sortie
« Reply #3 on: March 11, 2008, 10:44:04 AM »
Back before some of the server changes, I log in to fight knights down to 2 main airfields, with bish and rooks pushing in equally on both sides. I up a C202, head out to the nearest enemy base (following a few scattered friendlies) and end up engaging multiple enemy cons in 1v1 and 2v2 situations. No squaddies, no real teamwork, just general looking out for each other.

I even put several attack runs into a lancaster formation before giving up and saving my 2x 50cal ammo (I got 1-2 assists later). I head back to base with 5-6 kills, have no damage so I hotpad. I've been taking out p51s, spits, the odd ki61 and so forth. This time I head off to the other front after I take off. It's an equal distance away. The furball here is more intense. Lots of low alt high powered planes. N1k2s, P38s, 190s, 109s, etc. I pop quite a few because they underestimate my ability to retain E. I even got onto the six of a C205, and after he realizes he's in trouble he runs to ack (but doesn't make it before I snipe him with the last of my 50cals).

I RTB and while on the way I get an extra kill message (a N1k2 that I put a very solid burst into, but had to let go), and fly back to base and land 12 kills in a C202.

Maybe not my "best" but one of the most memorable. 1 sortie, 1 hotpad, 12 kills, multiple assists.

This was a while back (a year ago or more).

Recently, I was in a P-40E with 50% adn a DT climbing up towards a squaddie's location. He said he had enemy cons dragging from 15k or so, I was at 12k, so I turn the other way and keep climbing. Only, he drags them low, still heading toward me, so I turn in, drop my DT, and engage to help clear them. He drags them very low (5k) so I can dive in. I can't pick a target right away because a spit16, a yak9, a 190a8, and a p-51d are all on his six. I just make the closest ones break, is all, and loop up and around. I'm a little hazy on the specifics (didn't roll film) but I believe I popped the Yak due to his target fixation, made the p51 break, and the spit and 190 saw me early and positioned on me. As I pull off the dead yak the 190 is closing fast, nothing I can do but split S. So I do, but he gets a single ping lucky shot, and pops one of my flaps and one of my elevators (so said the damage list, I didn't notice it -- perhaps a bug). The flap was down 1-2 notches to help my split S, unfortunately. I evade him, dodge the pony, and somewhere along the way the 190a8 goes and pops my squaddie. I hit the P-51 in max deflection shooting and either he over-stressed or I landed hits, but his wing pops off and he hits the water. That leaves the 190a8 and the spit16. I ping the 190 1-2 times and he runs home. The spit16 has been taking runs on me and this is quite dangerous. I have to keep lowering the other flap to balance me out because my jammed flap is really throwing me off.  The spit tries to turn with me but due to luck, my throttle chopping, and well timed breaks he overshoots many times. I keep my nose low as not to bleed off E, and he realizes this and takes it vertical, but still I manage to get some HO-like hits on him, and eventually he runs out of ammo and after a good 5-minute fight he RTBs. I'm down to about 10 rpg and my squaddies have reupped and are heading my way. I head home (clear now) and land a damaged P-40E. One of my squaddies chased down the spit or he ditched, I don't know, but I got the kill. The 190a8 got away.

My arm was shaking after that one. I think I'll remember it for QUITE some time to come. No way a P-40E should have come out of that fight alive!

Offline whiteman

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Re: YOUR best sortie
« Reply #4 on: March 11, 2008, 10:52:48 AM »
It was so long ago I don't remember to much but shot down 9 buffs in a JUG, it was a small field they were headed for so I was happy. Besides that shooting down 6 noe goons in a 262 that were headed to a base that was capped and theirs for the taking. Not the most skillful sorties but both helped preserve air fields.

Offline Adonai

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Re: YOUR best sortie
« Reply #5 on: March 11, 2008, 10:58:30 AM »
Earlier Today was in an F4u-4 climbed out to 9k and headed to nearest Bish field. First saw a goon and bounced him, then noticed 15k Pony diving on me, I dove pulled up, rolled over and started spraying, taking the wing off the Pony who over shot.

Seen a Ki84 climbing out to East so went after him, had a fw190 bout 2k under him, dove in had the Ki84 Turn hard, figured FW was gona go vert so I pulled a loop till 250 then dropped 1 notch flaps, FW stalled, shot him down, straighten out to see N1k dive on me, lucky a friendly dove on him shot him down, now Ki84's 400 behind me, I pull hard left, dropped gears and flaps, and did hard right, Ki84 overshot, shoot him down.

Oh and got to land before Mach 2 La7 missed vulching me on landing, thats a GOOD day  :rock

Offline Latrobe

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Re: YOUR best sortie
« Reply #6 on: March 11, 2008, 11:35:00 AM »
Batfink's Mossy vs my Spit 5. Short but great fight!  :aok

 :salute Bat

Offline hogenbor

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Re: YOUR best sortie
« Reply #7 on: March 11, 2008, 12:38:39 PM »
Yesterday I upped a 202 for fun. Got a P-51, 2 38's and a 190A-5 before I got low on fuel. I landed just as someone started strafing. I ended standing on my nose but still alive. I ended the flight and then saw that the guy who tried to vulch me had crashed and I had gotten a proxy kill :D

5 kills in a 202, just to end the night. Now that's pretty good.

Offline WMLute

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Re: YOUR best sortie
« Reply #8 on: March 11, 2008, 12:44:16 PM »
I got two.  (ok, I got hundreds, but i'm thinking about two)


Low ish thinking about heading home in a 262 when I spot an nme dot.  Give chase and find it's an nme 262.

We are all alone in the sector (or far 'nuff away we never got disturbed), co-E (give or take) and duked it out.  Turned into one of those white knuckle moments.  We fought for 10+ min with much of it otd cranking our flaps up/down knife fighting our 262's.

Great fight.

Very well known, very good "Stick".

They had film on and sent me the film but I had to promise not to go 'public' with the fight.

Too bad too 'cause it 'was one for the ages.


It was Saturday King of the Hill, and I had two wins (wabbit).  The plane pick that round was the C202.  The night before I was in the DA fighting someone in C202's..  We had used the small gun package (the two little bb mg's) for our Duels (makes for a fun duel).  I unfort. had forgotten this fact and rolled that KOTH round with the 2x7.7 mm's.  (what's that, like two .303's?)

BigMax gave the "KILLSHOOTER IS OFF!!! FIGHT IS ON!!!! FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT!!!" and away we go.

I immediatly get jumped by three planes (I AM a wabbit) and during the fight I get shot and loose one of my guns.  I win the 3 on 1 (dunno how) and fly off to the nearest fight. 

I find two planes otd, one pretty shot up.  With just the single p-shooter bb gun I have left I manage to damage the healthy plane enough to take 'em out and IIRC the other one went bingo fuel/oil and had to End Flight.

Nose on to the next fight and managed to get them to maneuver into the ground.


With the last of my ammo I managed to damage the other guy enough that I eventually shot 'em down and won my first Saturday King of the Hill.  I had gotten six kills with basically 1 .303 mg.

I've had a special place in my heart for the C202 ever since.

« Last Edit: March 11, 2008, 12:50:17 PM by WMLute »
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Offline Guppy35

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Re: YOUR best sortie
« Reply #9 on: March 11, 2008, 12:56:24 PM »
Best sorties are when I'm flying with the guys in the 80th 38s and I'm laughing so hard I can't fly straight cause someone has said or done something to crack me up, followed by wading into a fight and seeing the 38s around me cleaning house and clearing my tail, followed by more and more bad guys coming down on top of the 38s and the inevitable laughter that follows as my 38G goes down in a mass of parts :)
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Offline Krusty

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Re: YOUR best sortie
« Reply #10 on: March 11, 2008, 01:04:47 PM »
Lute, the 202 has 12.7mms (~50cal) in the nose, but 7mms (~30cal) in the wings. Do you mean you were only shooting the 7mms (not the nose guns)?

Offline Dead Man Flying

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Re: YOUR best sortie
« Reply #11 on: March 11, 2008, 01:13:45 PM »
My best sortie was something like 120 kills in a Spit I, no rearms.

-- Todd/Leviathn

Offline WMLute

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Re: YOUR best sortie
« Reply #12 on: March 11, 2008, 01:14:40 PM »
Lute, the 202 has 12.7mms (~50cal) in the nose, but 7mms (~30cal) in the wings. Do you mean you were only shooting the 7mms (not the nose guns)?

I was only shooting ONE of the 7.7mm's in the wings, as the other was shot out early in the first 3 on 1.  I took off with the small gun package I was using in the DA the night before.  So yeah, I rolled with two 7.7mm's in the wings only, no cowl guns.
« Last Edit: March 11, 2008, 01:49:13 PM by WMLute »
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Offline Gixer

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Re: YOUR best sortie
« Reply #13 on: March 11, 2008, 01:47:17 PM »
Not for the number of kills but for the quality of the fights/opponents. Been having lots of really good 1v1 1v2 fights on furball island lately during off peek times. Landed 3 seperate sorties in a row two with 7 kills one eight kills. All in Yak.


Offline MajIssue

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Re: YOUR best sortie
« Reply #14 on: March 11, 2008, 02:12:02 PM »
My best sortie was something like 120 kills in a Spit I, no rearms.

-- Todd/Leviathn
Incredible story... amazing gunnery... 250 rounds of 20mm in a spit1? alot of 1 round kills!

Got film? I'd LOVE to see that sortie
X.O. False Prophets
Altitude is Life
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