Author Topic: 190D9 cannons mismatch  (Read 816 times)

Offline Wingnutt

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Re: 190D9 cannons mismatch
« Reply #15 on: March 17, 2008, 02:45:07 PM »
One thing to keep in mind with SEVERAL planes in game, is that the default head position is lined up with the gunsight, NOT the center of the plane. Look at the canopy frames themselves. Shift your head left until it's centered, and I think you can see both cannon barrels (maybe, it's been a while since I tried!).

As mentioned, that other protrusion is the gun camera, but I don't think I've seen that real 190 pictures, so I dunno why it's in AH.

I use TIR so I know nothing of the default head position..

but yea, after looking at the pics.. it seems like it should just be a hole.. and probably not even visible from the cockpit.

Offline Stoney

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Re: 190D9 cannons mismatch
« Reply #16 on: March 17, 2008, 06:33:56 PM »
The D and later 190s were inline... Why do you think the nose lengthened as much as it did? 

Stoney, I don't see what the contradiction is, with liquid cooled engines having gills. 

Its just an atypical configuration compared to the other liquid cooled engines of the period.  Spits, Pony's, P-38's, P-40's...none of these aircraft had cowl flaps.  I figured the radiator was up front, but what drove that design decision?  Is everything on the D series, from the firewall aft, identical to the earlier variants?  If that's the case, then the cowl flaps would make sense, so they didn't have to redesign the aft fuselage to include the radiator and the plumbing.  If not, then its just different, that's all.

Sorry, I should have asked this in a new thread instead of hijacking this one.  Thanks for the replies.
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