Author Topic: FSO: 1000 Miles - Scoring Information / Clarification  (Read 325 times)

Offline ghostdancer

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FSO: 1000 Miles - Scoring Information / Clarification
« on: March 17, 2008, 09:46:19 AM »

I keep forgetting that I took over half a year and the way that I handled things in the past is not the norm so I have a few notes to pass on to clarifying scoring for the event and for frame 2.

First in regards to destroying objects. With the exception of CVs you only get points for an object if you completely destroy it.

In regards to CVs you will get points if you do 1/3rd damage to it (2667 lbs of bombs), 2/3rds damage to it (5334 lbs of bombs), and full damage to it (8000 lbs of bombs). Each level gains you 27 pts .. so that would be 27 pts, 54 pts, and 80 pts.

I did not clarify this before and I am sorry for that. I have always felt that it was only fair to give partial damage to CVs since they are roughly worth the same bomb damage as 3 hangars (but of course in real life they take a lot more time, effort and resources to repair).

I do not give partial points for the DDs or CAs since they only take 2000 lbs to kill. So to me they are like hangars you kill them or you don't.

Since I link my points to bomb damage at times I will have as an objective not to kill a whole base but only certain structures at the base. I do this when I am trying to make sure both sides have roughly the same amount of points they can earn through bombing but don't have the appropriate bases available.

In FRAME 2 an objective for the Japanese is base A31, a large airfield which is usually worth 381 points (if you killed all objects at the base). However that would give the IJN way to many points they can potentially score by bombing in comparison to the allies.

So they have been instructed to kill just 6 of the hangars at A31 for a total of 168 pts (or 28 pts per hangar). All other objects at A31 are worth 0 points (that is the fuel, radar, ammo, barracks, etc.). Additional hangars past the 6 killed are worth 0 pts. So if they kill a 7th hangar they are just wasting bombs and not gaining points.

I will be firing out this clarification also to the COs and XOs of all squads.

X.O. 29th TFT, "We Move Mountains"
CM Terrain Team

Offline AKKaz

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Re: FSO: 1000 Miles - Scoring Information / Clarification
« Reply #1 on: March 17, 2008, 08:09:15 PM »
Out of curiousity, the "partial kill" that you describe for bases when a total kill is not necessary, how will this affect future FSO's?

Let me see if I can explain this right........

On those FSO's that utilize the killing percentage of a base to deny that side use of it for the duration.  Will the accomplishment of partial kill be considered 100% dead for that criteria when only a few structures will be counted in scoring?
Arabian Knights

Offline ghostdancer

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Re: FSO: 1000 Miles - Scoring Information / Clarification
« Reply #2 on: March 17, 2008, 10:42:17 PM »
Yay an easy question. My scoring method and my logic only applies to my events 100%. When Stoney runs an FSO he determines the rules and his scoring system. Stoney and myself follow two different tracks toward scoring and objectives. Both are valid and both have their plus sides and downsides. And we might cherry pick the parts that we like from each other. But it how I do things will not necessarily carry over to Stoney's designs or Nefarious designs.

Another example is Stoney likes to concentrate his targets say about 3 objectives a side. I prefer 4 objectives a side and spreading things out. Is either better .. it is a matter of opinion. Or basically just comes down to the Admin CM's style.

So the answer is it depends. In the case of this FSO A52 was hit hard. Was it completely destroyed .. all objects at the base destroyed .. no. However, with the survival of a CV and A52 being hit had and the fact that this FSO of the Aleutians is trying to cover from mid 1942 to mid 1943 (the invasion by the Japanese, fighting between Adak and Kiska and Attu, and then the American recapturing Attu and Kiska) it was enough for me to justify the Japanese taking those two bases. Otherwise frame 2 would just have been a repeat of frame 1.

In other events that I have ran, which had more available bases .. a base hit hard might not have been lost but it could have caused the front to shift and nearby satellite bases to shift to the other side. I tend to use air to air combat and ground bombing to determine how well ground forces do to an extent.

So as I said .. maybe depends on the CM and the event and if he considered the attack to be a preclude to invasion.

In frame 2 for example the Japanese have to hit A31 .. kill 6 hangars there. This is not a preclude to invasion but in my mind an attempt to disrupt the U.S. supply chain down the islands. So hitting that base won't cause anything  to change.

If the battle is a draw again or favors the allies then frame 3 will be the U.S. trying to retake Attu probably (kiska might change hands back). If the Japanese do well then frame 3 might be them moving up the island chain. We will see how it plays out.
X.O. 29th TFT, "We Move Mountains"
CM Terrain Team


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Re: FSO: 1000 Miles - Scoring Information / Clarification
« Reply #3 on: March 17, 2008, 11:24:49 PM »
Looks great Ghost Dancer S!!!
Hitting trees since tour 78