Anyone from AW remember what a Dweeb Hunt is?<G>
Yes, and NB is still picking pieces of me outta his teeth to this day.NUTTZBut i learned from it.
HIYA NUTTZ!!!! Long time no see. The best dweeb hunts were the ones when HT had bwanas. That was some funny stuff.
I've been in the game since AH1, and have seen several changes in that short period of time. And for the most part the changes have improved the game play.The "ridiculous vulching" does still happen, but they have to take ALOT more ack out to do it now.But one shouldn't take off from a capped field anyway.Calling out landing or no engine? I'll shoot unless you're a old squadie.The 56th & AKs are awesome powerhouses, and if you hang with those guys you'll be ok.The head-ons are REALLY bad now, but most can be avoided.Lately, there has been several old sticks back in the game and I think that is great! So come on back, we'll be glad to have ya.