Hi Rip,
I was holding off on responding to this in the hopes of a better answer.
We have lost some CM's in the past few weeks and are in the works of adding more. Right now for the Snapshots and Check 6 events we are short handed. I can't keep asking the same ones to CM and write the events and I can't keep spending my time doing the same. The good news is I have received some events from players that look real good and I am very thankful for those who have done so.
The plan was to move the Check 6 events back to Sunday, but verm just came back from a short leave and that is one of the items we will be discussing.
Looking at the numbers from the past 3 months I personally would like to see a single Snapshot on Saturday,(at a time for both Euro and U.S. players) and a Check 6 on Sunday.
Time will tell. I will post something in the Special Events Announcements when I know myself.