Welcome to the online play of AHII

I would suggest hooking up with a trainer, even if you do try to jump in and get the feel of things by yourself for the first day or whatever, it's totally fine. You can do whatever you want, you DON'T have to follow anyone's "orders." If you do join a "mission" though (clipboard (esc) -> Missions, then it is somewhat expected to follow the mission planners "orders."
Either way, getting with a trainer for a few sessions will greatly help you out get across the learning curve, which is somewhat steep in AH, although I think that's what makes this game great. You're always working to get better.
I would also greatly suggest reading a few sites, and reread them A LOT. In fact, I go back almost once a week and reread it all.
These should get you started.
Trainers Site Home page -> "Game Info" -> "Need Training?"
NetAces Somewhat along the lines of the trainers site, but with lots of other info also.
http://www.netaces.org/ Soda's Aircraft Evaluation Great for reading up on all of the aircraft. Includes performance specs and overviews on the best
ways to utilize that particular aircraft.
http://members.shaw.ca/soda_p/models.htm DoKGonZo's Fighter Comparison Pick up to four fighters and compare their performance specs through various ranges such as
speed, climb, turn, acceleration, firepower, etc.
Most of those sites can be accesed through the home page here. I've already said how to get to the trainers site (Home page -> "Game Info" -> "Need Training?"). NetAces and Soda's site can be accessed by going to the Home page -> "Community" -> "Useful Links."
DoKGonZo's Fighter Comparison can be accessed through NetAces by navigating under the "Plane/Vehicle Info" tab, and then selecting the tab for "DoKGonZo's Fighter Comparison, if you ever need to get back to these sites and don't bookmark them, etc.
Good luck, and remember, always have fun!
