Author Topic: Reload when you land?  (Read 788 times)

Offline wrongwayric

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Re: Reload when you land?
« Reply #15 on: June 09, 2008, 10:53:51 AM »
Here's what our squad will do to anticipate the use of ord upon rearm. Take your full load for the mission and then bombs, drop your eggs before lifting, that way if you land and rearm you'll have bombs on even if the ord is dead. In the FSO's we have to do this type of pre planning all the time as you never know if you'll need some eggs to clean up after your bombers go in. Many times we've had fighter escort duty that didn't require drop tanks or ord but we would start with one or the other so that if we landed and rearmed we would have the option regardless of whether our ord was dead or not.