Gee dred.. You really love that osamabama guy don't you?
Was it the hoping for change thing or the changing the hope thing? Maybe just white guilt?
Guess you missed this part of my post
and didnt bother reading what I was responding to
And the opinions voiced are not my own.
Im just putting it up for your entertainment"
No I dont have any particular love for Obama.
But nor does McCain impress me either.
What he did and what happened in the war was what? 30+ years ago.
ZERO relevence to today.
I dont love Obama. and Im not rooting for Obama.
But whether I like it or not I think Obama is going to be elected.
The rest of the country is going ot elect him for the very reasons you accuse me of loving him for
I'm just saying it like I see it.
I declared myself a winner as soon as Hillary lost out.
That was my primary concern.
As for the other two.
Well I wish there were a way to vote against both of them. the old Geezer has been with one foot in the grave and the other on a bananna peel. Who is goingot give us just more of the same right wing BS
Or the young wannabie pretender who is goingot give us just more of the same left wing BS
Its like asking me which I would rather have dropped on my head. a 100lb Rock. or a 100 lb slab of concrete.
Either way Im pretty much screwed
I've said time and again I have no loyalty to any political party.
I just want the best person.
IMO NEITHER McCain or Obama is good enough to even be in the running for "best person."
The only positives I see in an Obama win is
1 No longer can blacks use the cop out excuse I am sooo sick of hearing "because Im black"
2 the left will finally stop whining
The down side to that will be the whining will be replaced by the whines from the right. which judging from what Im seeing here so far. Will be just as bad.
No matter who gets elected there wont be any significant change.
Whats going to change? Guns? Clinton couldnt do it in 8 years he was in.
Abortion? Bush couldnt do it in 8 years he was in.
The economy?
The economy is going to be the same no matter who is in
There isnt anything thats going to change in the next 4-8 years that wont be changed back 4-8 years afterwards
and nothing gets done by either side without atleast some help form the other side of the isle
Nothing significant anyway.
See it just doesnt matter