Author Topic: Tournament  (Read 491 times)

Offline Kieren

  • Zinc Member
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  • Posts: 3
« on: April 15, 2000, 11:01:00 AM »
I don't know why I didn't post this here before....

I have thrown together a quick and dirty tournament for H2H. The URL is:

It is a simple format, and is intended to help generate interest in H2H. Hopefully we will soon have a ladder to offer. This is not officially sponsored by HTC, so if you have complaints, please don't harrass the HTC crew (this is why I called it "Kieren's Tournament"- no confusion, I hope).

If you guys have fun with this one, maybe we can try other ideas, such as plane specific, alternating type, etc. We'll run this one and then see what we can do to improve future events.

I plan to kick this off as soon as it looks like most people have had a chance to join. Hopefully that will be today or tomorrow. At this point we have about 16 people in, but have plenty of room for more. Remember, it is  double-elimination. You have to lose twice to get put out. Rules and registration info are on the page.

Good Luck!