Author Topic: Allies 94th Fighter group P38 (Citabrias)  (Read 452 times)

Offline 214thCavalier

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Allies 94th Fighter group P38 (Citabrias)
« on: October 22, 2000, 03:10:00 PM »
Frame 1 AAR.

This is gonna be very short cos i spent 1.5 hours writing up a very long blow by blow account when IE did a page fault and lost the lot !

Our main task was bomber intercept for A2 and A38, however decided to move nearer to the obvious fight zone.
Despatched AKS and Newwguy to help P47,s out over A8 area, Newwguy was killed and AKS damaged 2 aircraft reporting bits falling off, and blew the engine of another no confirmation on plane types. AKS lost an engine but extended ok and RTB safely. Rob and I continued Bomber sweep and picked up 1 JU88 being protected by C205's inb our base at A4,  tried to dummy the C205,s away to get some separation for us to dive on the JU88 kill it and blow through. Rob succeeded in killing JU88 and extending safely, i picked up 3 or 4 C205,s D500 on my six and slowly gaining until Busc removed my rudder and elevator, bailed safely and landed ok.
Hit tower button and got landed safely confirmation then thought damn C47 rescue, so not sure of my status here, is C47 rescue needed in friendly territory or just over enemy ?

94th Fighter group P38J confirmed status.

Newwguy P38 destroyed, pilot dead over A8.
AKSWulfe one engine out, rtb safely.
Rob53 RTB safely no damage.
Cavalear, P38 destroyed, chuted SSE of A4 landed safely.

94th Fighter group P38J kill claims status.

Newwguy 0
AKSWulfe 3 damaged one with engine destroyed, no confirmation of types altho i believe he recorded it so if needed we can check.

Rob53 JU88 destroyed over A4. WTG Rob  

Cavalear 0

JU88 succeeded in damaging A4 fuel supplies only b4 being destroyed.

Considering we lifted with only 4 P38's as our squad and we were assigned to patrol far to the west i consider our mission a success as we avoided higher C205 flights of 7 or more planes on several occasions in an attempt to preserve our fighters and keep to our bomber intercept brief.
We had ourselves in a position to spot the JU88 inb our homebase altho we were too high and directly above it so needed to try to sucker the C205 far enuf away to enable the JU88 to extend enuf for us to enter a shallow dive and attack without compressing.
This we achieved although as i ordered Rob to do a slow right turn whilst i went left to perform a bracket on the C205's climbing our 6 he expressed his concern at us separating so much but as we completed the circle i ordered forget fighters in on the bomber and he accomplished all that had been asked of him destroying the bomber and saving his aircraft by blowing through as ordered.
My downfall was of course getting some slight compression during chase for JU88 and losing sight of the JU88 whilst recovering, it was while trying to reacquire the bomber before asking Rob if he had destroyed it that i lost too much E and picked up the C205's on my 6.

Stopped attack on A4 with minimal base damage for a total loss of 2 aircraft.

Mistakes ?
Possibly letting AKS and wingy go to help P47's at A8 i still dont know whether they saved anybody or not.
Anybody help on that one ?

Any errors will of course be corrected but i believe all is correct.

[This message has been edited by 214thCavalier (edited 10-22-2000).]