Author Topic: Med League Oct 21st - Axis AAR  (Read 618 times)

Offline LLv34_Camouflage

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Med League Oct 21st - Axis AAR
« on: October 22, 2000, 05:30:00 PM »
Hello Gentlemen!

Here is the axis report from yesterday's Mediterranean League Frame #1.  

CO's, please check that your squadron data is correct!

All axis pilots:  Double check your personal pilot scores and award status from the Axis Med League website and let me know if it is not correct!

Western Front - Axis Triumph

The axis had great success in the Tunis area. We managed to capture A7, A6 and V46.  Atleast 5 enemy aircraft were shot down.  I believe no planes were lost due to enemy air action.

The main objective in the west was to capture a field in the Tunis area.  Our walkon pilots took Ju88's from A33 for this task.  Gatt's 205s from A1 were assigned to cap west of the Tunis are, my 109 G-2's were to cap east.

Here are AAR's from some of the pilots who flew in the Tunis area. They should give a good picture what happened there. Summaries are for each squadron separately.

**4/Kampfgeschwader 1 "Hindenburg"
Vladd, Acting CO 4/KG1 (Walkon Ju88s):

We launched 3 Ju88s, 1 crashed shortly after takeoff            (Image removed from quote.)

The other 2 RTB'd safely.

We killed ack at 2 airfields and 1 vehicle field, all captured by Dinger.

Saw 1 nme plane all frame, and he just landed and exited, musta been low
fuel. Thats a testimony to the job the escorts did.

Was a fun frame, happy to help out.



Dinger, 4/KG1 (C47):

I upped in a c47 from Cagliari (a1) and flew
south to Bizerta, running a holding pattern over the sea.  Soon I saw Vladd and Gustav of 4/Kg 1 flying overhead in their Ju88s.  With some work, they deacked the airfield at Bizerta (a7). I came in, landed and captured the base.  Both Vladd and Gustav landed; Vladd rearmed, Gustav retired for the day.
I rearmed but (ahem) a crosswind takeoff damaged my gear and I needed to pull a fresh bus out of mothballs. Vladd and I took off and head W on the deck to avoid detection by the swarms of P47s that were now on the
field (I seem to remember some G2s in front of them).
I flew NOE W then, after conferring with Vladd, we decided that Souk El Arba (a6) would make an ideal target.  I landed just N of the field, on a low sloping plain.  One p38 was observed landing at the field.
Once the field was cleaned, I performed a hairy rough-field takeoff, and slowly spiraled up 1500 feet to clear the ridge N of the field.  I landed and taxied to the map room.  At this point Vosper spawned a c47 and rolled to the map room to try to recapture the field after I got it.  He failed and I got the capture and a kill of a 2-engine plane. By now, Vladd was over v46 dropping bombs on the acks. I refueled and loaded up the commandoes, and head N. I performed a drop at 3000 feet just south of the field, and returned to a6.  The backup C47 pilot, Thorin, confirmed my capture.
I landed at a6 and exited with one minute left in the frame.

Airfields Captured: 2
Vfields Captured: 1
2-engine kills credited: 1

Equipment damage: main gear of 1 c47, 2 props.

4/Kampfgeschwader 1 "Hindenburg" Summary[/i]

Fighter kills: 0
Bomber kills: 1
Strat targets: 0
Airfield captures: 2
V-field captures: 1
Available airframes: 10 (Originally 8, 1 Ju88 lost, 3 replacements for frame 2)
Available pilots: 9 (Originally 8, 1 lost, 2 replacements for frame 2)

Vladd: Approximately 14 airfield targets destroyed. RTB.
Gustav: Approximately 6 airfield targets destroyed. RTB.
Golem: Killed on takeoff, Ju88 lost.
Dinger: 1 C47 kill (Vosper), 3 field captures. RTB.

Dinger is awarded the Honor Cup for achieving 19 points in the LW scoring system. Vladd (~7 pts) and Gustav (~3pts) are awarded Iron Cross First Class.
Vladd and Gustav, please let me know how many airfield targets each of you destroyed, so I can update your scores properly!

Dinger is now only 1 point short from the German Cross!            

**Jagdgeschwader 27 "Afrika"

Snef did a better job in writing a report than me, so here it is!            

Snefens, JG 27 (109 G-2):

Our 5 109G2's took off from A32 and headed south. We were to escort 3 Ju88's from A33 whose target was to be somewhere in Tunis. We reached A7 and no enemies where in sight, so we headed towards A8 to guard against enemy fighters there.
We were at 29K when we made contact with 6 P47's coming from the east. They appeared to be a few thousand feet higher than us and we slowly turned back west. 4 of them stayed with us as we we loitering in the vicinity of A8. One of them made a attack but it failed and he dived away. Now the remaining 3 p47's kept higher than us, and not trying to push any attacks. We were fine with this as our bombers were hitting A7 at the moment. After some minutes of flying around we captured A7 and we started to move in that direction. The p47's began to be more agressive and on a few occasions I was hit by a bullet or two.

Now 2 p38's joined the fight from the west and the enemies started to attack for real. We handled them well tho and Jarsci shot down a p47 and Camo a p38. One p38 and P47 left the battle and the remaining p47 was chased to the anti-air guns of A7 and they shot him down. <Note by Camo: Ack kill awarded to Jarsci.> Mosca was hit, but he managed to ditch at A7, I last saw JanJan fly west alone. Dunno where he went. <Janjan was injured in a HO and landed at A7.>

While I rearmed, Camo and Jarsci fought one of the p47's that had now returned. it ended inconclusive tho. I took off and headed towards A6 while Camo and Jarsci rearmed when I spotted the 47 diving down fast from my 2 o'clock. He hit me a bit on the first pass, went up and attacked again, this time he missed and ss he tried to disengage after his third attack I was able to turn on his six and I stayed there pinging him a bit. He dived low, but I stayed with him. Eventually he tried break high, but I shot his tail and he bailed out. I continued to A6 which we now had captured. Then back to 7 before I returned to A6 and landed, about 15 minutes from stop time.
Snefens / Landed at A6 / 1 kill (p47/Sancho)
Image of kill message included. Entire film can be found at  (3.12 MB)

Jagdgeschwader 27 "Afrika" Summary[/i]

Fighter kills: 4 (3 P47s, 1 P38)
Bomber kills: 0
Strat targets: 0
Airfield captures: 0
V-field captures: 0
Available airframes: 11 (Originally 8, no losses, 3 replacements for frame 2)
Available pilots: 10 (Originally 8, no losses, 2 replacements for frame 2)

Camo: 1 P38 kill (newguy), RTB.
Jarsci: 2 P47 kills (Frenchy, jstamutt), RTB.
Snefens: 1 P47 kill (Sancho), RTB.
Janjan: no kills, wounded, RTB.
Mosca: no kills, damaged, RTB.

Snefens is awarded the Iron Cross Second Class for achieving 1 point in the LW scoring system.

**4º Stormo Caccia

Gatt, CO of 4º Stormo Caccia (205)

We took off from Cagliari (A1) and headed E-SE climbing to reach combat patrol altitude at 10,10 sector. Then we turned South and covered the western flank of our incoming Ju88's. Somewhere south of Sardinia we encountered 2 P38's scouting patrols, about 5K higher than us (I guess they were at 32K). We all went west, avoiding combat.
Then we came back to A1 to refuel. After take off we headed first to A7 then at maximum speed to A16 where we met high Spitfires (about 3) and P47s (about 4). We dragged them low over the airfield and in the following melee we managed (with the help of the ack) to shot down two of them. A16 ack shot down a Typhoon.<Camo: Ack kill awarded to the squad>

4º Stormo Caccia Summary:

Fighter kills: 3
Bomber kills: 0
Strat targets: 0
Airfield captures: 0
v-field captures: 0
Available airframes: 10 (Originally 8, 1 loss, 3 replacements for frame 2)
Available pilots: 9 (Originally 8, 1 loss, 2 replacements for frame 2)

GATT: no kills. RTB.
XELA: no kills. RTB.
AXE: 1 kill, 1 assist. RTB.
NASO: no kills, bailed safely over A16.
ZIO: no kills, RTB.
GRIFO: no kills, discoed.
VESPA2: no kills, RTB.
NIBBIO: 1 kill, KIA, crashed during landing at A16

Axe and Nibbio are awarded Iron Cross Second Class for achieveing 1.5 and 1 points in the LW scoring system.

Eastern Front - Allied Victory

The allies made a big scale attack on Sicily. Our fighters were hard pressed to defend the high hordes of allied fighters, and had to surrender A18 and V49 to them.

Even though outnumbered and forced on the defensive, our pilots did very well and managed to save their precious lives and airframes for future action. <S!>

We hadn't planned any attack activity in the sicily/malta area.  StSanta's 190 A-5's, NathBDP's 190 A-8's and Cobra's 109 G-6's were assigned to Sicily defence. The single Ju88 squadron that was based in southern Italy, was sent to the Tunis area to help in the attack there. Busc's 205s were assigned to escort them.

**I/Kampfgeschwader 77
Thorin, acting CO of KG77 (Ju88):

Took off from A20(Belvedere) with 3 airframes JU88A-4's on a NWesterly hdg
per Buscs' flight plan. We started with 75% fuel, 2x250kg external and 20x50kg internal bomb load with our objective Airfield A7(Bizerta). Corwin and Beeger were in this flight, and we were soon manned w/gunners.

We continued on our flight path to N of A17 and achieved 15k alt. We were then contacted by our escorts I Gruppo Caccia out of A17. Concerned with fuel consumption, we recieved clearence to turn on a more direct hdg to A7 (hdg 240). As we neered the N.African coast, Axis CO Camo gave us a new target, A6 (Souk El Arba). This target put us, and our escorts, beyond our combat radius. We then diverted to A1 on Sardinia to refuel. All JU88's and escorts landed safely with our bomb loads and refueled. Unfortunately, upon
take-off, both Beeger and Corwin crashed, losing both pilots and their airframes.

I set out on a hdg of 180 to A6 when Camo diverted my flight path to A2 in the west. Midway to A2, Busc of I Gruppo Caccia suggested we divert to A4 (within their range), and got clearence from Camo. As we neared A4(Bone), I received reports of enemy fighters in the AO. I set up for my initial bomb run and destroyed Some fuel tanks and a bunker on my initial run. I then extended S of A4 and turned for my second pass. I started my second pass concentrating on ack and destroyed 2 gun emplacements, but while
I was in the bombardiers' scope, I started to take fire and was quickly killed. This ends the JU88 flight from A20.

I/KG77 Losses are as follows:

3 pilots killed
3 Airframes lost

I/KG77 Damage is as follows:

Fuel Tanks destroyed(A4)
Bunker destroyed(A4)
Gun emplacement destroyed(A4)
Gun emplacement destroyed(A4)

If you need more information, dont hesitate to contact me.


I/Kampfgeschwader 77 Summary[/i]

Fighter kills: 0
Bomber kills: 0
Strat targets: 0
Airfield captures: 0
V-field captures: 0
Available airframes: 8 (Originally 8, 3 Ju88s lost, 3 replacements for frame 2)
Available pilots: 7 (Originally 8, 3 lost, 2 replacements for frame 2)

Thorin: 4 airfield targets destroyed, shot down by P38, KIA. Ju88 lost.
Beeger: Collided on takeoff, KIA. Ju88 lost.
Corwin: Collided on takeoff, KIA. Ju88 lost.

Thorin is awarded the Iron Cross Second Class for achieving 2 points in the LW scoring system.

StSanta, XO of SG4 (190 A-5):

First of all, let me say this high altitude bullsh|t is just that - bullsh|t. P-38's, Typhoons, Spitfires at over 31k. How are A5's gonna have any chance of engaging? How will A8's do the same? The 109's fair a
little better, but are ineffective above 25k. I seriously hope we get a max ceiling of 20k, which enables us to actually fight BACK.

We CAN fight, and we WILL fight, as we've showed in the two earlier frames. But under these conditions, we were *constantly* on the defensive with only a 20 second window of attack opportunity. And
a bad one at that. Anway, enough whining, here's the AAR.

We took off from A17, headed for A16 for defense. No incoming enemies were spotted. 109's were in trouble with literally dozens of very high enmy P-38's and Spitfires, as well as 30k Typhoons. We
were vectored for intercept.

Arriving at the scene, we found very high P-38's. Nothing 190's can do with higher enemies this high up, so we headed for a18 were slightly lower Spitfires were reported. In the ensuing battle, RAM
(walkon) was shot down by an enemy P-38. discod managed to shoot down one Spitfire.

At this point in time, there were only 2 109's and the four of us left. discod rtb'd with a pilot injury. The skies were swarming with hi enemies - there were more than 12. All in all, I had one long shot at a
Spitfire at high altitude, but missed due to the extreme range. We rtb'd A18, I covered the other two while they landed, then landed myself. Enemy presense was very severe and we were outnumbered and

We reupped, knowing that only three 190A5's and one or two G6's were now defending Sicily against Allied Typhoons, P-38's and Spitfires, all at very high altitude. Soon enough, we met high P-38's.
Dragged them low to A19, which I at the spur of the moment decided that we would defend. The allies were mikl running our fields in the area with no LW resistence. The P-38's didn't get any good shots
and rtb'd. We pursued one for a short time, but saw high cons inbound, and returned to A19 for ack cover and field defense. The Spits were more aggressive, and managed to shoot furious down. He bailed
and walked to the base. Once co alt, the Spitfires didn't dare to fght us any longer and returned to base. We followed til we got 5 minute warning, rtb'd and landed succesfully.

Scores for SG4:
Pilots: Status: Kills:
StSanta Landed 0
discod Injured 1
RAM Bailed 0
furious Bailed 0
shamus Landed 0

2 airframes lost, one enemy Spitfire destroyed


SchlachtGruppe4/SG4 Summary[/b]

Fighter kills: 1
Bomber kills: 0
Strat targets: 0
Airfield captures: 0
v-field captures: 0
Available airframes: 9 (Originally 8, 2 losses, 3 replacements for frame 2)
Available pilots: 10 (Originally 8, no losses, 2 replacements for frame 2)

StSanta: no kills. RTB.
discod: Killed 1 spit. Injured, RTB.
Shamus: no kills. RTB.
RAM: no kills. Bailed safely, 190 A-5 lost.
furious: no kills. Bailed safely. 190 A-5 lost.

Discod is awarded Iron Cross Second Class for achieving one point in the LW scoring system.

**Schlachtgeschwader 4

NathBDP, CO of SG4 (190 A-8):

We took off from A19 and headed west in 2 rottes (Me and Juuti / Kirin and Maik).
We were going west near A18 when we saw several 30k+ spits when we were at 29k and we decided not to engage them. We then went towards malta and encountered 30k+ P38s and spits and Juuti went north towards a17 while me, kirin and maik went east towards v50 where we encountered 6 Typhoons (which should be removed). The battle ensued and I dived on one typhoon and got him then I extended and came around and got another ones elevator or flap(I saw something fly off). After this I noticed kirin needed help low so I dived down and shot a tiffie that was on him and I died promply after that from a typhoon d500 off me six, 1 ping and wing gone. Me and Kirin scored our kills on these typhoons. Juuti shot down 2 B26s attacking 18.

Pilot Kills Status
NathBDP 2 Dead/Airframe lost
Juuti 2 Dead/Airframe lost
Kirin 1 Dead/Airframe lost
Maik 0 Returned to base alive.


Schlachtgeschwader 4 Summary[/b]

Fighter kills: 3
Bomber kills: 2
Strat targets: 0
Airfield captures: 0
v-field captures: 0
Available airframes: 8 (Originally 8, 3 losses, 3 replacements for frame 2)
Available pilots: 7 (Originally 8, 3 losses, 2 replacements for frame 2)

NathBDP: Killed 2 Typhoons. KIA. 190 A-8 lost.
Juuti: Killed 2 B26's. KIA. 190 A-8 lost.
Kirin: Killed 1 Typhoon. KIA. 190 A-8 lost.
Maik: no kills. RTB.

Juuti is awarded Iron Cross First Class for achieving 4 points in the LW scoring system. NathBDP (2 points) and Kirin ( 1 point) are awarded Iron Cross Second Class.

**Jagdgeschwader 53 "Pik As"

Cobra, CO of JG53 (109 G-6):

I was 109 flight under Cobras lead (pongo MIA)?
I shot 2 spits to pieces and got a kill message when the spit CO tried to land his decrepid plane!!! LOL i killed a CO

30 mins later trying to hold off swarms of spits and p38's while my 3 remaining wingman regained alt from reload, i pulled a inverse immelean that never quite flattened out...

i forgot about the 109 low compression speed, and tried to save the airframe and ended up killing myself as a beautiful lawn dart

thats that, the only good fite was the spit 109 engagement at 27k

7-10 min running battle where neither side scored 1 kill

we got a disco early, but for a good 7 mins it was a turn burn boom and zoom try to get guns on badies

only when the tiffies came in at 25k+ did we begin our disengagement... and thats where we lost 1 109 spyder i belive

i still can't belive the 109 and spits were so evenly matched.... good pilots in that spit squad.. all had exceptional SA.. i was d500 on the 6 of more than i want to count and they all got away... cept of course that CO who lost his tail gear to my 20mm



Jagdgeschwader 53 "Pik As" Summary

Fighter kills: 3
Bomber kills:0
Strat targets:0
Airfield captures:0
V-field captures:0
Available airframes: 5 (Originally 8, 6 losses, 3 replacements)
Available pilots: 6 (Originally 8, 4 losses, 2 replacements)

Cobra: Killed 2 P38's, KIA. 109 G-6 lost.
Zigrat: No kills, bailed safely. 109 G-6 lost.
WarChild: Killed 1 Spit, KIA, 109 G-6 lost.
Sox: No kills, bailed out (?). 109 G-6 lost.
SirG: No kills, KIA. 109 G-6 lost.
Spyder: No kills, KIA. 109 G-6 lost.
Swager: No kills, discoed (?).

WarChild is awarded Iron Cross Second Class for achieving one point in the LW scoring system.

**Primo Gruppo Caccia

Busc's 205 squadron took off north from A17 and rendezvoused with the Ju88s.  They headed west and refueled at A1, then headed south towards their assigned target.  Busc shot down a P38 (Cavalear).

Primo Gruppo Caccia Summary

Fighter kills: 1
Bomber kills:0
Strat targets:0
Airfield captures:0
V-field captures:0
Available airframes: 11 (no losses, 3 replacements)
Available pilots: 10 (no losses, 2 replacements)

Busc: 1 P38 kill, RTB.
All other 7 pilots: no kills, RTB.

Busc is awarded Iron Cross Second Class for achieving 1 point in the LW scoring system.

Med League Frame #1 - Axis summary

These are preliminary numbers, since a lot of data is still missing!

Fighter kills: 15
Fighters lost: 12

Bomber kills: 3
Bombers lost: 4

Strat targets: 0
Strat targets lost: 0

Airfield captures: 2
Airfields lost: 1

V-field captures: 1
V-fields lost: 1

Available airframes: 72 - started with 64
Available pilots: 68 - started with 64

Looking at the numbers, I would say we did very well!  We have more planes (+8) and pilots (+4) than what we started with, due to replacements.

Most of our bailed pilots were rescued. I don't think the same happened to the allies - atleast of the 4 planes my G-2 squad shot down, 3 pilots were KIA/captured. I am not sure of Snefens' kill of Sancho, he may have bailed succesfully behind his own lines.

With these preliminary numbers, I would estimate the Allies to have roughly the same amount of planes and pilots than us. But since we got more captures, I think we can say that this frame was an axis victory.          

The allies lost 2 airfields, putting 2 squads out of action. We only lost 1.

Don't forget to visit the Axis Med League page at

Good show gentlemen!  <S!>

Axis CO - Camo

XO, Lentolaivue 34

Brewster into AH!

"The really good pilots use their superior judgement to keep them out of situations
where they might be required to demonstrate their superior skill."

[This message has been edited by LLv34_Camouflage (edited 10-26-2000).]
CO, Lentolaivue 34
Brewster's in AH!
"How about the power to kill a Yak from 200 yards away - with mind bullets!"

Offline LLv34_Camouflage

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Med League Oct 21st - Axis AAR
« Reply #1 on: October 22, 2000, 06:12:00 PM »
Pilot and league scores, as well as awards page updated.  G-6 and Gatt's 205 squad's info still missing.  


[This message has been edited by LLv34_Camouflage (edited 10-22-2000).]
CO, Lentolaivue 34
Brewster's in AH!
"How about the power to kill a Yak from 200 yards away - with mind bullets!"

Offline Nash

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Med League Oct 21st - Axis AAR
« Reply #2 on: October 22, 2000, 08:57:00 PM »
Looking at the numbers, I would say we did very well! With the 2 squads reports missing, I can't say for sure, but I think we have more planes (+9) and pilots (+5) than what we started with, due to replacements.

I asked our CO about this... Is it possible to generate a *surplus* of aircraft if the numbers killed are less than the numbers replenished. He said he didn't think so.

I guess this is info that wolfe (? - is he the Allied CO now?) would need to know.

Great AARs Camo!

Offline LLv34_Camouflage

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Med League Oct 21st - Axis AAR
« Reply #3 on: October 23, 2000, 01:59:00 AM »
Nash - I believe the squads can have a surplus of airframes as well as pilots.  But they can only air 8 at a time, even if they had more. If they have less, then of course they can't send more than what they have to combat.

Here's from the official rules:

-Each squad starts with 8 airframes. They may have more than 8 pilots in the roster, but only as many pilots as airframes available (up to a max. of 8) may fly on any one day (to accommodate for pilots who are only able to attend occasionally).

-Additionally, which more than 8 people for a squad can fly, they have a limited number of “lives”, beginning at 8 for the start of the scenario. Pilots who are captured or KIA subtract one “life” from that squadron, limiting the number of pilots they can sortie the following session.

-Each axis squadron will be allowed to “revive” three airframes per session, as well as “recruit” two new pilots. These airframes may be accumulated.

-Each allied squadron will be allowed to “revive” three airframes per session, as well as “recruit” two new pilots. These pilots may be accumulated.

Hmm, I just noticed there must be a typo. I think the last two points here should read "each squadron", without referring to specific countries.  

Thanks for the compliments!  

CO, Lentolaivue 34
Brewster's in AH!
"How about the power to kill a Yak from 200 yards away - with mind bullets!"

Offline gatt

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Med League Oct 21st - Axis AAR
« Reply #4 on: October 23, 2000, 02:47:00 PM »
Saturday 21st, 4°Stormo Caccia AAR:
We took off from Cagliari (A1) and headed E-SE climbing to reach combat patrol altitude at 10,10 sector. Then we turned South and covered the western flank of our incoming Ju88's. Somewhere south of Sardinia we encountered 2 P38's scouting patrols, about 5K higher than us (I guess they were at 32K). We all went west, avoiding combat.
Then we came back to A1 to refuel. After take off we headed first to A7 then at maximum speed to A16 where we met high Spitfires (about 3) and P47s (about 4). We dragged them low over the airfield and in the following melee we managed (with the help of the ack) to shot down two of them. A16 ack shot down a Typhoon

Fighter kills: 2
Bomber kills: 0
Strat targets: 0
Airfield captures: 0
v-field captures: 0
Available airframes: 8
Losses: 1
Available pilots: 7

GATT: no kills. RTB.
XELA: no kills. RTB.
AXE: 1 kill, 1 assist. RTB.
NASO: no kills, bailed safely over A16.
ZIO: no kills, RTB.
GRIFO: no kills, discoed.
VESPA2: no kills, RTB.
NIBBIO: 1 kill, crashed during landing at A16

4° Stormo Caccia - Knights

[This message has been edited by gatt (edited 10-24-2000).]
"And one of the finest aircraft I ever flew was the Macchi C.205. Oh, beautiful. And here you had the perfect combination of italian styling and german engineering .... it really was a delight to fly ... and we did tests on it and were most impressed." - Captain Eric Brown

Offline Cobra

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Med League Oct 21st - Axis AAR
« Reply #5 on: October 24, 2000, 12:04:00 PM »
Late AAR but, here goes...

Lifted off of Sicily Base A18 w/7 109 G6's...Lost 1 enroute to engine trouble (Swager) and continued on with 6 to our assigned CAP of Malta.

Just Northwest of Malta we encountered 6 or 7 Spits co-alt at 27k.

A running 7-10 minute battle took place with no side gaining any advantage.  Some spits were pinged as well as a couple of 109's but no mortal damage during the fight.

As the battle ensued and we were dragged lower, a squadron of higher tiffies showed up.  At the sight of this, I ordered the squad to disengage and make our way back to Sicily and our base to re-arm and re-fuel.  At this time we lost 1 109 (Spyder).  Arriving back at base Zigrats damaged 109 would not hold up to the landing and he bailed over the field.

We now are down to 4 109's.  Sox and I flew CAP while SirG and Warchild re-armed.  Then Sox and I landed and Re-armed.  During this time the Spits and Tiffies at Malta had down the same, and then where joined in route by a squadron of P-38's towards A18.

We called for help and a squadron led by StSanta arrived (it looked great to see them, it was like the cavalry coming to help us!).  During the running battle over 18, we could never gain enough seperation to get any kind of alt parity.  It's here where my squad took the brunt of the casualties.

SirG was KIA.
Sox was shotdown, but don't know if he bailed successfully.
We lost Warchild as well.
I can claim 2 P-38's killed as 1 compressed in a dive behind me and bailed (got credit in the buffer anyway, it was Yeager) and a second followed me into our friendly ack and was killed (Bug).

The remaining 38's, tiffies, and spits then pulled back to re-arm, and being the lone 109 survivor, I did the same at 18.  After I re-armed, I flew north at ground level.  I knew that the 17's and the goons would be coming to 18 next.  Sure enough the 17's hit our base and a goon tried to get troops in, Luckily one of our couregous ground crews manned the last available ack and mowed down the troopers.  

It was at this time I made my course back to 18 in a suicidal attempt to get the next Goon that I knew had to be on its way.  As I approached the base, I spotted it low over the water, but a Spit had gained the advantage on me and shot me down before I could reach the goon.

Cobra ended the frame as KIA.

Cobra Out!

Offline LLv34_Camouflage

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Med League Oct 21st - Axis AAR
« Reply #6 on: October 25, 2000, 02:08:00 AM »
Website updated with the saturday scores!  Please doublecheck that the info is correct!  

Axis CO - Camo

CO, Lentolaivue 34
Brewster's in AH!
"How about the power to kill a Yak from 200 yards away - with mind bullets!"