First off <S> Whels, sorry bout the indestructible M4. Ok next, during my last sortie, which i have filmed and Screenshots of, i saw a few bugs/glitches i guess they would be.
1) I heard a plane engine slowly creeping up on me while i was in an M4, i figured he was an NOE enemy, later when he got above the hill i saw a pony on the ground coming towards me. I fired a few MGs and found it was friendly, when he talked it never showed up in the top right of the screen. I also found he was a tank when he fired, yet he had all the characteristics of a pony with no landing gear riding on the ground, engine was even working.
2) The usual indestructible tank...yet it wasn't lag as i never died even after 9+ hits from a tiger (Whels), and i lived for 5 minutes after. I ended up killing his tiger in 2 hits yet i never had damage.
Edit-3) After reviewing the film again I now notice my name (Xcelsior) Does not show up in the list of name, instead it is blank. It also says I am Bish when I was rook and the friendly gv's had Rook icons. In the film the Pony is not on the ground near me, instead nothing is I am confused.
And now Edit (i keep noticing things as i watch again 4) In one film (i have 2) it shows a pony driving next to me, he suddenly appears there. In the second film he still gone. (I have 2 due to i quit the film thinking it was pointless...good thing i started rolling again)
Like i mentioned i have Screenshots and a film of it all, if anyone knows an easy place to host pictures I will gladly post them.